Degrees of democracy
More education does not necessarily lead to greaterenthusiasm for representative politics
ON JUNE 20th Zine el-Abedine Ben-Ali, Tunisiasformer ruler, was sentenced in absentia to 35 yearsin prison. Many trace the origins of the popularrebellion that forced him from office to frustration over the treatment by the police of ayoung man with few job prospects. That combustible mixture of authoritarianism,unemployment and youth has played a big role in sparking many of the popular uprisingsacross the Middle East and north Africa that followed Tunisias. But some argue that increasededucation should also take credit for the Arab spring.
6月20号,前突尼斯总统Zine el-Abedine Ben-Ali在其未出席的情况下被判35年监禁。许多人探求这场大规模的反抗的根源,由于警察部门过分的对待一个没有就业前景的年轻人导致的反抗迫使他从当政者变为了阶下囚。即突尼斯之后,包括独裁主义、失业和年轻人的易冲动的混合体在中东和北非引起许多大规模的暴动。但是一些人认为增加的教育也应该为这场阿拉伯承担责任。
Many of the countries where disaffection with strongmen rulers has spilled over into revolthave seen their education levels rise sharply in recent decades. Young people in these countriesare far better educated than their parents were. In 1990 the average Egyptian had 4.4 years ofschooling; by 2010 the figure had risen to 7.1 years. Could it be that education, by makingpeople less willing to put up with restrictions on freedom and more willing to questionauthority, promotes democratisation?
许多由于对强硬领导人不满情绪涌出而导致起义的国家,其教育水平在近几十年中有大幅的提升。这些国家中的年轻人受到的教育远好于他们的父母。1990年平均每个埃及人接受4.4年的教育,到了 2010年这个数字提升到7.1年。是教育促使民主化么?教育使得人们更少愿意忍受对自由的限制,更愿意挑战权威。
Ideas about the links between education, income anddemocracy are at the heart of what social scientistsin the middle of the last century termed themodernisation hypothesis. One of its most famousproponents, Seymour Lipset, wrote in 1959 thateducation presumably broadens mens outlooks,enables them to understand the need for norms oftolerance, restrains them from adhering toextremist and monistic doctrines, and increasestheir capacity to make rational electoral choices.
关于教育、收入和民主之间联系的看法是上世纪中期被社会科学家称为现代化假说的核心。最著名的支持者Seymour Lipset在1959年写到教育可能拓宽人们的视野,使他们能够理解宽容的必要性,减少他们对极端主义和一元论学说的依附,提高他们做出理性的选举决择的能力。
Since then plenty of economists and political scientists have looked for statistical evidence of acausal link between education and democratisation. Many have pointed to the strongcorrelation that exists between levels of education and measures like the pluralism of partypolitics and the existence of civil liberties . The patterns are similar whenyou look at income and democracy. There are outliers, of courseuntil recently, many Arabcountries managed to combine energy-based wealth and decent education with undemocraticpolitical systems. But some deduce from the overall picture that as China and otherauthoritarian states get more educated and richer, their people will agitate for greater politicalfreedom, culminating in a shift to a more democratic form of government.
This apparently reasonable intuition is shakier than it seems. Critics of the hypothesis pointout that correlation is hardly causation. The general trend over the past half-century mayhave been towards rising living standards, a wider spread of basic education and moredemocracy, but it is entirely possible that this is being driven by another variable. Even if thecorrelation were not spurious, it would be difficult to know which way causation ran. Doesmore education lead to greater democracy? Or are more democratic countries better ateducating their citizens?
The modernisation hypothesis suggested aparticular direction of change: more education andincome should beget greater democracy. But asthe right-hand chart shows, there is virtually nostatistical association at all between changes in acountrys level of education and its measured levelof democracy. If this is true, there is no particularreason to hope that more education will lead to amore democratic world.
A recent NBER paper sheds light on why this might be the case. Those who posit that moreschooling leads to greater democracy often have specific ideas about how peoples attitudeschange as a result of their becoming more educated, arguing that it creates people who aremore willing to challenge authority. It is possible, however, that education reinforcesauthority and the power of ruling elites; indeed, it may often be designed to do precisely this.The study tried to find out which of these competing ideas of the effects of education is moreaccurate.
The authors compared a group of Kenyan girls in 69 primary schools whose students wererandomly selected to receive a scholarship with similar students in schools which received nosuch financial aid. Previous studies had shown that the scholarship programme led to highertest scores and increased the likelihood that girls enrolled in secondary school. Overall, itsignificantly increased the amount of education obtained. For the new study the authors tried tosee how the extra schooling had affected the political and social attitudes of the women inquestion.
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