American forces in Japan
Another lost year
Some unspoken truths about Japans securityrelationship with America
LESS than amonth aftera new government took office in Japan in September2009, American officials talked their Japanesecounterparts through a longstanding frustration:stalled plans to build a new airbase for Americanmarines on the southern island of Okinawa. Accordingto confidential minutes of the meeting sent toWashington, DC by the American embassy in Tokyo,leaked by WikiLeaks, Kurt Campbell, an assistantsecretary of state, said a new airstrip was necessarybecause of Chinas growing military strength. But thatcould not be discussed publicly, for obviousreasons.
A few months later Mr Campbell went further, according to another cable. Because of potentialthreats from North Korea, China and elsewhere, America and Japan faced the mostchallenging security environment in 50 years. However, he said the messages to the publicoften glossed over that reality. Presumably that too was to avoid offending China, even thoughit would have helped Okinawans to understand why the new facility is deemed so important.
Exactly a year ago both allies agreed to push aheadwith the plan to shut down the Futenma airbase in adangerously overcrowded part of Okinawa andrebuild it in a less populated area, by the beach atHenoko . They also aimed to movethousands of marines and their families to theAmerican territory of Guam, mostly paid for byJapan. Five days later Yukio Hatoyama, Japans thenprime minister, resigned, in part because of hisbroken promise to the people of Okinawa to movethe base off the island altogether.
Today the two sides are no closer to implementing the plan than they were on the day it wassigned. Okinawans still fiercely oppose it, despite collusion by American and Japanese officialsand politicians to put as rosy a spin on the details as possible.
For instance, the WikiLeaks cables show that the number of marines and their dependentsslated for removal to Guam has been inflated in order to soften opposition. Last yearsagreement mentions the removal of about 8,000 marines and 9,000 dependents. But anAmerican embassy cable in 2009 says that when the plan was formulated in 2006, both the8,000 and 9,000 numbers were deliberately maximised to optimise political value in Japan.Okinawa officials suspect that the number of Guam-bound marines may be as few as 3,000ifthey go at all.
When it came to power in 2009, the ruling Democratic Party of Japan, which had opposed therelocation plan in opposition, came under intense pressure from Washington to push aheadwith it. American officials urged the new government not to discuss alternatives in public,warning of a strong American reaction if it did, according to WikiLeaks. Yet this month threesenators including Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and JohnMcCain, the committees ranking Republican, went public with their own alternative, describingthe current Futenma relocation plan as unrealistic, unworkable and unaffordable. In Japantheir views have caused a stir.
当计划在2009年实行时,当时的执政党为反对迁移基地计划的日本民主党,该党感受到华盛顿方面对推行这一计划的巨大压力。根据维基解密,美国官员催促日本政府不要公开讨论备选方案,并且警告日本如果公开讨论那么美国就会大动作。 然而本月,三名参议员包括参议员军事委员会主席卡尔??列文和委员会的资深共和党约翰??麦凯恩公开了他们的备选方案,这个方案把普天间迁移计划描述为 不现实、没作用并且负担不起的计划。在日本,他们的观点引起了轰动。
The senators argue that instead of building a costlynew facility, the marines should be moved to a hugeexisting base in Okinawa called Kadena, and thatpart of the American air force currently at Kadenashould be relocated to Guam. Okinawans living nearKadena stridently oppose the marines, but thesenators say the idea could free up land and reducenoise levels around Kadena. Moreover, the senatorssay, with the huge costs of the March earthquakeand tsunami, Japan can hardly afford to add to itsfiscal burden. The third senator, Jim Webb, addsthat Robert Gates, Americas outgoing defence secretary, is very open to our suggestions.
All the same, this week Japanese and American officials, including Mr Campbell, reaffirmed theircommitment to the relocation plan, as if the senators idea was off the table. Yet no one thinksthe original deadline of 2014 for moving the base will be met. Indeed, given the opposition inOkinawa, perhaps Futenmas replacement at Henoko will never be built. In which case, Kadenamay prove the only option. It seems as foolhardy not to discuss the option as it is tomaintain such an awkward silence over Chinas rise.
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