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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  America s debt


  IN THREE weeks, if there is no political deal, theAmerican government will go into default. Not, onemust pray, on its sovereign debt. But the country will have to stop paying someone: perhapspensioners, or government suppliers, or soldiers. That would be damaging enough at a time ofeconomic fragility. And the longer such a default went on, the greater the risk of provoking agenuine bond crisis would become.


  There is no good economic reason why this should be happening. Americas net indebtednessis a perfectly affordable 65% of GDP, and throughout the past three years of recession andtepid recovery investors have been more than happy to go on lending to the federalgovernment. The current problems, rather, are political. Under Americas elaborate separationof powers, Congress must authorise any extension of the debt ceiling, which now stands at$14.3 trillion. Back in May the government bumped up against that limit, but various accountingdodges have been used to keep funds flowing. It is now reckoned that these wheezes will beexhausted by August 2nd.

  没有一个合理的经济理由可以来解释为什么会这样。美国的净负债额占国内生总值的65%, 是完全可以负担得起的,加之过去三年来的衰退和缓慢的恢复,投资者们已十分乐意继续把钱借给联邦政府。当前的问题,更确切地说,应该是政治问题。在美国煞费苦心的权力分割之下,任何债务上限的提高必须经过国会批准。5月份美国政府债务剧增,颇有冲破上限之势。但各种账目伎俩使资金得以自由流转。现在估计到 8月2日,黔驴将要技穷。

  The House ofRepresentatives,under Republicancontrol as a resultof last Novembersmid-term elections, has balked at passing thenecessary bill. That is perfectly reasonable: untilrecently the Republicans had been exercising theirclear electoral mandate to hold the government ofBarack Obama to account, insisting that they will not permit a higher debt ceiling untilagreement is reached on wrenching cuts to public spending. Until they started to play hardballin this way, Mr Obama had been deplorably insouciant about the medium-term picture,repeatedly failing in his budgets and his state-of-the-union speeches to offer any path to asustainable deficit. Under heavy Republican pressure, he has been forced to rethink.


  Now, however, the Republicans are pushing things too far. Talks with the administrationground to a halt last month, despite an offer from the Democrats to cut at least $2 trillion andpossibly much more out of the budget over the next ten years. Assuming that the recoverycontinues, that would be enough to get the deficit back to a prudent level. As The Economistwent to press, Mr Obama seemed set to restart the talks.


  The sticking-point is not on the spending side. It is because the vast majority of Republicans,driven on by the wilder-eyed members of their party and the cacophony of conservativemedia, are clinging to the position that not a single cent of deficit reduction must come from ahigher tax take. This is economically illiterate and disgracefully cynical.


  A gamble where you bet your countrys good name


  This newspaper has a strong dislike of biggovernment; we have long argued that the main wayto right Americas finances is through spending cuts.But you cannot get there without any tax rises. InBritain, for instance, the coalition government aimsto tame its deficit with a 3:1 ratio of cuts to hikes.Americas tax take is at its lowest level for decades:even Ronald Reagan raised taxes when he needed todo so.


  And the closer you look, the more unprincipled the Republicans look. Earlier this year HouseRepublicans produced a report noting that an 85%-15% split between spending cuts and taxrises was the average for successful fiscal consolidations, according to historical evidence. TheWhite House is offering an 83%-17% split and a promise that none ofthe revenue increase will come from higher marginal rates, only from eliminating loopholes. Ifthe Republicans were real tax reformers, they would seize this offer.


  Both parties have in recent months been guilty of fiscal recklessness. Right now, though, theblame falls clearly on the Republicans. Independent voters should take note.




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