A climate of conflict
PANELS of experts assessing scientific investigations tend to be messy affairs, particularly whentheir customers are governments. People with expertise in one field, such as renewable energy,may have a bias towards it. Summaries of their work are the result of political negotiations. Andfindings are further boiled down in an attempt to win media coverage.
Much of this can be seen in a new special report on renewable energy by theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change , which was released last week. Possibleconflicts of interest, revealed by Steve McIntyre, a blogger, have led to another controversyabout the panelonly 18 months after its embarrassment over an incorrect claim about theimminent demise of the Himalayas glaciers.
For a start, the press release about the report wasmisleading. Close to 80% of the worlds energysupply could be met by renewables by mid-century ifbacked by the right enabling public policies, a newreport shows, it claims. In fact, the report merelydiscusses the assumptions needed to produce thisoutcome, one of the more extreme scenarios theIPCC looked at.
A poorly written press release might have caused less of a stir, were it not for the fact thatGreenpeace had come up with the scenario. Its development was led by Sven Teske, directorof the groups renewable-energy campaign. He was also one of the 12 authors of the chapterin question. What is more, a Greenpeace publication based on this scenario was graced by aforeword written by Rajendra Pachauri, the IPCCs chairman.
As if to underline such problems, when the governments that make up the IPCC met in May torelease the summary of the report, they also adopted, for the first time, a policy on conflictsof interest among expert authors. Such a policy had been strongly recommended by an outsidepanel asked to look into the IPCC last year.
Although Mr Teskes case produced headlines, it is not necessarily the most worrying conflict ofinterest. Environmentalists are concerned about the number of pro-dam people on the teamof authors reporting on hydropower. And it is not just the authors that may be conflicted. Eachchapter of an IPCC report goes through a review process to ensure that all comments havebeen addressed satisfactorily. One of the two editors overseeing this process for the chapter onwind energy was Christian Kjaer, the boss of a lobbying group, the European Wind EnergyAssociation. He points out that he did not seek the role of review editor, but was asked whensomeone else dropped out. Given the procedural nature of the task, he does not think that hehad a conflict of interest.
Personal bias can be overcome with large, balanced author teams, but in the case of thereport on renewables it is not obvious there was such a balance. The report discusses thedownsides of various renewable energies, the challenge of incorporating them into existinginfrastructure at scale and the vast if poorly bounded costs of deploying them: $1.5 trillion to$7.2 trillion in the 2020s, depending on the scenario. But the summary, in particular, is largelyupbeat.
A case in point is the generating capacity ofrenewables. The report discusses the fact that this issmaller than for other forms of power generation.But the summary glosses over the problem, forinstance by not mentioning that, althoughrenewables have accounted for almost half theworlds new generating capacity in the past twoyears, the other half has probably generated a lotmore electricity.
This is not all the boffins fault. Some countries, such as Germany, which nominated Mr Teske,are very keen on renewablesand wanted the summary to reflect this. Brazil has little interestin anything that can be seen as biofuel-bashing.
The lesson of the latest IPCC row is that its authors and organisers must fight harder againstgroupthinkand speedily implement the new conflict-of-interest policy. It is wrong, as MrPachauri seems to think, that the policy should not immediately and fully apply to everyoneinvolved in the panels current climate assessment. It would be churlish to see no progresson reforming the IPCC, but blindness to believe there had been enough.
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