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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Policing the mobs


  AFTER five days of spreading Saturnalian anarchy on the streets of English cities, the disgustand anger felt for the rioters was accompanied by growing dismay at the failure of the police toget on top of the violent thuggery in some places. In violated towns and cities, there wasangry incomprehension at the apparent willingness of armoured police to stand back whileshops were pillaged and torched by marauding youths.


  A poll conducted by YouGov for the Sun newspaper reflected the widespread belief that thepolice had got their tactics wrong. Of those questioned, 90% favoured the use of watercannon; 78% tear gas; 72% Tasers ; 65% plastic bullets; 33% evenwanted the police to use live ammunition against the looters. And 77% wanted the army to bedeployed.


  The criticism of the police is understandable, but is it justified? Most experts doubt whetherthe use of traditional riot-control weapons would have made much difference this week.Although water cannon and tear gas can be effective in getting a large mob to disperse froma particular area, or in allowing the police to buy distance or hold ground, they areindiscriminate and fairly clumsy. Tasers are not a public-order weaponthey cannot be firedinto crowdsbut a non-lethal method of individual incapacitation.


  Martin Innes, of the Universities Police ScienceInstitute at Cardiff University, says that watercannon would not be much use against the kind offluid, highly mobile satellite groups that the policehave faced. Both he and Peter Waddington, a formerpoliceman and now an authority on crowd controlat Wolverhampton University, are sceptical aboutplastic bullets . Mr Waddington says that the trouble withbaton rounds, which travel at nearly twice the speedof a cricket ball delivered by a fast bowler, is thatthey can be dodged, leaving them to smash into other people. Hit an 11-year-old girl in thehead, he says, and there is all hell to pay.


  Both water cannon and baton rounds have now been made available to the police, but theyhave shown little appetite for employing either. They have, however, started to make greateruse of armoured vehicles to break up crowds. As for calling on the army for help, that issomething that the police, politicians and the army itself regard as almost unimaginable.


  But if the police are right to be cautious over the use of crowd-control weapons, they seem tohave been slow to react in other ways. Mike Waldren, a retired chief superintendent whoformerly ran Londons firearms unit, blames senior officers at Scotland Yard, fearful of beingcharged with overreacting, for hobbling commanders on the ground. According to somereports, riot police had initially been ordered to stand and observe rather than confrontrioters. Mr Innes says that, with a few exceptions , there is now a generation of police leaders whose only experience of public-order problems involves football hooliganism and planned political demonstrations that turnviolent.


  In their defence, this weeks disturbances were of anew, if not wholly unexpected, kind. The polices oldtactical manual is based on two principles that weresuddenly irrelevant. The first is the assumptionthat rioters want to attack the police themselves. Itmakes things a lot easier if you know that they willbe where you are. The second is that the mainobjective is to control ground rather than people.But now, Mr Innes points out, the police have to findflash mobs who use social media to gather andgrab loot in one place, disperse, then meetsomewhere else: You have to follow them, harry them and channel them away.


  The problem with that approach is that when looters are chased, they split up and policeresources are dissipated. Even if officers catch and arrest one , they might only be able to charge him with a minordisorder offence.


  Mr Waddington thinks that the police may have been right to rely mostly on CCTV cameras andtheir own photographers to gather evidence, with the aim of nabbing culprits later in their ownhomes with the stolen goods in their possession. As long as rioters are part of a street mobthey feel strong and invulnerable. Once individuals are arrested in large numbers , powerful peer networks and thegroupthink that goes with them can be broken.


  If that is right, the rioting is unlikely to be stamped out by rounding up the feral mobs andgiving them a good hiding, popular though that might be. Rather the key is to demonstratethrough the courts that their behaviour brings with it serious and long-term personalconsequences.




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