ON THE evening before All Saints Day in 1517,Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of achurch in Wittenberg. In those days a thesis wassimply a position one wanted to argue. Luther, an Augustinian friar, asserted that Christianscould not buy their way to heaven. Today a doctoral thesis is both an idea and an account of aperiod of original research. Writing one is the aim of the hundreds of thousands of studentswho embark on a doctorate of philosophy every year.
In most countries a PhD is a basic requirement for a career in academia. It is an introduction tothe world of independent researcha kind of intellectual masterpiece, created by anapprentice in close collaboration with a supervisor. The requirements to complete one varyenormously between countries, universities and even subjects. Some students will first haveto spend two years working on a masters degree or diploma. Some will receive a stipend;others will pay their own way. Some PhDs involve only research, some require classes andexaminations and some require the student to teach undergraduates. A thesis can be dozensof pages in mathematics, or many hundreds in history. As a result, newly minted PhDs can beas young as their early 20s or world-weary forty-somethings.
One thing many PhD students have in common is dissatisfaction. Some describe their work asslave labour. Seven-day weeks, ten-hour days, low pay and uncertain prospects arewidespread. You know you are a graduate student, goes one quip, when your office is betterdecorated than your home and you have a favourite flavour of instant noodle. It isnt graduateschool itself that is discouraging, says one student, who confesses to rather enjoying thehunt for free pizza. Whats discouraging is realising the end point has been yanked out ofreach.
Whining PhD students are nothing new, but there seem to be genuine problems with thesystem that produces research doctorates . There is an oversupply ofPhDs. Although a doctorate is designed as training for a job in academia, the number of PhDpositions is unrelated to the number of job openings. Meanwhile, business leaders complainabout shortages of high-level skills, suggesting PhDs are not teaching the right things. Thefiercest critics compare research doctorates to Ponzi or pyramid schemes.
Rich pickings
For most of history even a first degree at auniversity was the privilege of a rich few, and manyacademic staff did not hold doctorates. But ashigher education expanded after the second worldwar, so did the expectation that lecturers wouldhold advanced degrees. American universitiesgeared up first: by 1970 America was producing justunder a third of the worlds university students andhalf of its science and technology PhDs . Since then Americas annual output of PhDs hasdoubled, to 64,000.
Other countries are catching up. Between 1998 and 2006 the number of doctorates handed outin all OECD countries grew by 40%, compared with 22% for America. PhD production sped upmost dramatically in Mexico, Portugal, Italy and Slovakia. Even Japan, where the number ofyoung people is shrinking, churned out about 46% more PhDs. Part of that growth reflects theexpansion of university education outside America. Richard Freeman, a labour economist atHarvard University, says that by 2006 America was enrolling just 12% of the worlds students.
But universities have discovered that PhD students are cheap, highly motivated anddisposable labour. With more PhD students they can do more research, and in some countriesmore teaching, with less money. A graduate assistant at Yale might earn $20,000 a year fornine months of teaching. The average pay of full professors in America was $109,000 in 2009higher than the average for judges and magistrates.
Indeed, the production of PhDs has far outstripped demand for university lecturers. In a recentbook, Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus, an academic and a journalist, report that Americaproduced more than 100,000 doctoral degrees between 2005 and 2009. In the same periodthere were just 16,000 new professorships. Using PhD students to do much of theundergraduate teaching cuts the number of full-time jobs. Even in Canada, where the output ofPhD graduates has grown relatively modestly, universities conferred 4,800 doctorate degreesin 2007 but hired just 2,616 new full-time professors. Only a few fast-developing countries,such as Brazil and China, now seem short of PhDs.
事实上,博士的供给已远超过了大学的需求。最近有本书,是学者AH和记者CD合著的,该书称美国在 05-09年间培养的博士已经超过10万人,而同期需求却只有1.6万。而用大量的博士生给本科生代课又挤占了全职教师岗位。甚至是在博士培养数量一向严谨的加拿大,07年也有4800人博士毕业,而这一年只需要新招聘2616名全职教授。目前,似乎只有个别发展迅速的新兴国家博士供给不足,比如巴西和中国。
A short course in supply and demand
In research the story is similar. PhD students and contract staff known as postdocs,described by one student as the ugly underbelly of academia, do much of the research thesedays. There is a glut of postdocs too. Dr Freeman concluded from pre-2000 data that ifAmerican faculty jobs in the life sciences were increasing at 5% a year, just 20% of studentswould land one. In Canada 80% of postdocs earn $38,600 or less per year before taxtheaverage salary of a construction worker. The rise of the postdoc has created another obstacleon the way to an academic post. In some areas five years as a postdoc is now a prerequisitefor landing a secure full-time job.
研究过程中发现,情况基本一致。有个学生将博士生与合同教员---也就是我们所说的研究员---比作学术民工,因为目前他们的工作量是在太大。不光博士生多,博士后也多。DF将 2000年前的资料汇总概括得出这样一个结论:假如美国在生命科学方面每年多提供5%的编制,那么也仅仅只有20%的学生可以获得。在加拿大,80%的博士后每年的薪水是税前3.86万美元,与建筑工人的均薪一个水平。博士后数量的增加也使得想要获得一个学院岗位变得困难。在某些领域,具备5年的博士后研究经历是目前获得一个可靠全职工作的前提。
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