Grabbing cancer by the short and curlies
A new technique for analysing tumours promisesbetter understanding and more effective treatment
ONE of the great hopes nurtured by the Human Genome Project was that it would crack canceropen. Knowing which genes were going wrong would, the theory went, allow specifically tailoreddrugs to be developed. And this is, indeed, happening. Only last month Americas Food andDrug Administration approved a medicine called Xalkori for patients whohave a particular type of non-small-cell lung cancer, the most common form of that disease.Xalkori blocks the growth of tumours caused by a mutant form of the gene which encodes asignalling molecule known as anaplastic lymphoma kinase. This mutation occurs in 3-5% oflung-cancer patients, and in trials Xalkori caused a dramatic shrinkage of the tumour in aroundhalf of those treated.
The catch is that the respite does not last. Typically, someone will respond for about a year,but after that his tumour starts growing again and the disease continues on its course. This isa pattern seen again and again with the new generation of drugs that genomics has helped tocreate. They slow the disease, but only for a few months. The presumption is that furthermutations are arising in a tumour all the time, and that eventually one of them makes amolecular change that nullifies the effect of the drug. Researchers would dearly like to find a wayto deal with this.
One who is trying to do so is Ren Bernards of theNetherlands Cancer Institute. On September 18th hetold a meeting of the American Association forCancer Research, held in San Francisco, about a waythat the sensitivity of tumour cells to Xalkori mightbe restored. More important than that, though, isthe way he discovered the solutionfor this couldbe applied to many other cases in which an anti-cancer drug is having its useful life curtailed by thedevelopment of resistance.
One of the problems with cancer is that the mutations which cause it are often hidden in aplethora of others that have no direct bearing on the disease. Normal DNA sequencing cannotdistinguish which mutations are important and which are not. Dr Bernards, however, thinks hecan, by using molecules called short hairpin RNAs.
On the pin money
RNA is a molecule similar to DNA, except that its molecules are usually much smaller. One ofits jobs is to act as a messenger carrying genetic information from a cells nucleus to themachinery which makes proteins. Each messenger is an edited copy of one strand of the DNAdouble helix. Double-stranded RNA does exist, but mostly in viruses. Mammalian cells make onlythe single-stranded variety. If a cells defence mechanisms detect double-stranded RNA theydestroy it, to protect against infection.
This aversity to double-stranded RNA means short hairpins can be used to knock out themessengers, thus nullifying the signal from the underlying gene. It is just a question ofmaking a hairpin with an appropriate genetic sequenceone that is the same as the missingstrand of the original DNAso that the hairpin will combine eagerly with the messenger toform a double-stranded molecule. Modern gene-synthesis techniques mean this is not hardto do. Dr Bernards therefore did it with the messengers of 20,000 genes, to see which, if any,are implicated in the development of resistance to Xalkori.
In fact, he found three. Mediator-12 , whichhelps to transcribe genes from DNA into RNAmessengers, was one. The other two were genesthat help maintain the structure of chromosomes.Presumably, resistance to Xalkori is being caused bydisabling mutations in one or more of these genes.
That is interesting, but not of immediate assistance to the dying. What Dr Bernards and hiscolleagues did next, though, could be of such help. They looked for hairpin RNAs that restoredsensitivity to Xalkori in cells whose MED12 messengers were being blockedand they foundone. Disabling the messengers of the gene that encodes a receptor protein called TGF beta-R2, which is found on cell surfaces, caused cells that had once been resistant to Xalkori toshrivel in its presence. Moreover, treating these same Xalkori-resistant cells with anexperimental drug designed to block TGF beta-receptors restored sensitivity to Xalkori,though it had no effect on cancer-cell growth on its own.
这个发现十分有趣,但是对治疗患者没有直接帮助。伯纳兹博士与同事们接下来所做的工作正符合这个目的。他们尝试寻找能够拦截MED12基因的信使RNA 从而恢复细胞对Xalkori敏感性的发夹结构,并取得了成功。TGF beta-R2是一种存在于细胞表面的蛋白质受体,只要破坏编码这种受体DNA的信使RNA,就能消除细胞对Xalkori的抗药性。此外,设计药物针对同样的抗药细胞,使其表面的TGF beta受体被药物屏蔽,也会得到相同的实验结果,即使这种药物本身并没有阻止癌细胞增长的疗效。
Dr Bernards thinks that in MED12 he has discovered a pathway crucial for the development ofdrug resistance. Subsequent studies by members of his group have found that interfering withMED12 messengers causes resistance to numerous other drugs. These include Iressa andTarceva, which are prescribed for lung cancer; Zelboraf, which is effective against melanoma;and Nexavar, which is used for kidney and liver cancers. If these lab-based results areconfirmed in people then TGF beta-receptor inhibitors may prove a way of extending the usefullives of a plethora of medicines.
伯纳兹博士认为,通过MED12基因他找出了一个对于细胞产生抗药性十分关键的路径。伯纳兹博士的研究组同事在随后的研究中发现,干扰MED12基因的信使RNA会导致产生对多种药物的抗药性,包括用于治疗肺癌的药物易瑞沙和特罗凯、黑色素瘤药物左博拉以及肾癌和肝癌药物多吉美。如果这项实验结果在人体内也得到证实,TGF beta受体抑制剂将被用来延长多种药物的使用寿命。
Dr Bernardss work, indeed, is just the vanguard. At least three other groups of researchersare using short hairpin RNA to study cancer in this way, and one of them, led by William Hahnof the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, has already found what may be an importantmolecular link in the development of ovarian tumours. Turning these sorts of laboratorydiscoveries into treatments is a long and tedious process that often fails. What is crucialabout Dr Bernardss work, though, is that short hairpin RNAs do exactly what the genomeproject promised: they crack the problem open.
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