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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  The economy Autumn leaves falling


  The growing troubles in the euro zone mean Britainis set for another recession


  PREPARE for some bad news. The prime minister,David Cameron, told an audience of business leaderson November 21st that shrinking the budget deficitwas proving harder than anyone envisaged. Hiscomments laid the ground for the chancellor, GeorgeOsborne, who makes his autumn statement on the economy and public finances on November29th. The chancellors message is likely to be grim: a downgrade to official growth forecastsfor next year and beyond seems certain. The coalition governments hopes of eliminating thestructural part of the deficit and of capping public debt by the end of the current parliament are in serious doubt.

  要做好坏消息的准备。12月21号,英国首相大为卡梅伦告诉场下的各位商界领袖:缩减赤字的难度非常大。在11月29号,财政部长George Osborne会发表经济和公共财政的演说,卡梅伦的言论为此次演说定下了基调。财政部长很有可能传递负面的消息明后两年官方经济预测的下滑在所难免。联合政府希望消除经济结构问题所带来的负债,同时希望在本届议会结束之前设置公共债务的限额,而要做到这些又存在着很多疑问。

  Bond markets are likely to be forgiving, given the scale of troubles elsewhere. But a failure tohit its fiscal targets would harm the coalition governments credibility. And there is a morepressing worry. Britains strong links with the wretched euro zone mean that its economy isbeing dragged into continent-wide recession . Some Conservative politicians seem tobelieve that Britain stands apart from the euro disaster because it has its own currency. Infact, the economy is increasingly dependent on exports, two-fifths of which are shipped to theeuro zone. There is little spending power at home: consumers are still carrying a lot of debtwhile struggling with weak wage growth and high inflation; public spending is shrinking; andbusiness investment has been sluggish.


  Bond markets are likely to be forgiving, given the scale of troubles elsewhere. But a failure tohit its fiscal targets would harm the coalition governments credibility. And there is a morepressing worry. Britains strong links with the wretched euro zone mean that its economy isbeing dragged into continent-wide recession . Some Conservative politicians seem tobelieve that Britain stands apart from the euro disaster because it has its own currency. Infact, the economy is increasingly dependent on exports, two-fifths of which are shipped to theeuro zone. There is little spending power at home: consumers are still carrying a lot of debtwhile struggling with weak wage growth and high inflation; public spending is shrinking; andbusiness investment has been sluggish.


  Growing anxiety about public finances in Europe has sapped confidence in banks which arebig holders of government bonds. And the rush by European banks to sell bonds of the leastcreditworthy sovereigns has made things worse. European banks are finding it harder torefinance their own debts at reasonable interest rates, and funding costs are rising for Britishbanks too. That will eventually feed through to higher interest rates on loans to companiesand consumers. Banks nervous about euro-zone assets turning sour and keen to preservescarce capital will be cautious about making new loans, which will only add to the recessionaryforces.


  Businesses will soon be caught up in this spiral of ever-diminishing confidence. Firms knowthat credit lines cannot be relied upon when banks and financial markets shun all but the safestinvestments. There are already reports that firms are postponing purchases and trimming theirstocks of supplies to conserve cash. Cuts to discretionary spending, such as capital projectsor advertising, will become more common as the euro crisis intensifies and uncertainty andanxiety increase.


  How far might the economy fall? The central case of the Bank of Englands monetary-policycommittee is that output will be broadly flat in the current quarter and in the first half of 2012,though it thinks a worse outcome is more likely than a better one. Its forecast excludes thepossibility of a big euro-zone blow-up, not because this is improbable but because there is nomeaningful way to calculate its impact. Fear that the euro zone will disintegrate will itselfweigh on the economy.


  Absent a complete meltdown, the second dip of a double-dip recession ought to be smallerthan the first, because there are fewer excesses to correct. Britains current-account deficit iscloser to balance. The household savings rate is a healthy 7.2%, which means consumers havea bigger cushion between their income and spending than they did when recession first struckin 2008. There is less capital spending to cut back on: companies are already sitting on piles ofcash. And the flow of capital seeking a haven from the euro crisis will sustain demand forBritish government bonds, for fancy houses, and for other assets deemed to be safer thaneuro-zone banks or bonds. Real household income is likely to rise modestly in 2012 after fallingsharply this year because of high inflation and tax increases, notes Kevin Daly of GoldmanSachs.

  英国并未和欧元区完全融合,而且在这次的危机中,英国也没有什么要纠正的失职失误。因此,这一轮的衰退应该比上一次状况要好。而且目前的英国账务赤字接近于均衡。家庭储蓄率也达7.2%。相对 2008年的衰退来说,在此健康的利率下,消费者在收入和花销之间有相对更大的缓冲货币。资本支出削减程度也更加有限,而且企业界现在也存有大量的现金。同时,流动资本也在寻找这轮危机中的避风港。资本将会维持对于英国政府债务,奢华的住宅以及一些其他资产的需求,在这些领域投资要比欧洲银行的债务要安全得多。由于高通胀以及税收的增加,不动产收益讲可能在2012年有平稳增长。

  Yet the likely recession will strain public finances. Figures for the first seven months of thefinancial year suggest that the government is roughly on track to meet its borrowing target of£122 billion for 2011-12. Yet the number of people claimingunemployment benefit has risen each month since March . Many economistsbelieve the Office for Budget Responsibility, the independent fiscal watchdog, will take adimmer view of the economys medium-term prospects. That would imply less of the budgetdeficit will be eroded as the economy expands to its full potential, and that more of it istherefore structural.


  This leaves Mr Osborne in an uncomfortable position as he prepares his autumn statement.He has made it clear that he does not regard it as a fiscal event where spending and taxchanges are announced; that will be saved for the budget in March. But it is a political set-piece all the same. So the chancellor will try to knit together a variety of small, fairly cheappolicy strands, such as measures to help small businesses with credit, into a coherent growthstrategy. Given the unfolding catastrophe on Britains doorstep, it is likely to look threadbare.




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