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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  THE race for the Republican presidential nominationhas followed a consistent pattern. Every monthor so a candidate emerges from the pack tothreaten Mitt Romneys lead, only to drop backafter a week or two. It used to be a newchallenger each time: Michele Bachmann, HermanCain, Rick Perry and so on. Lately, it has been thesame man periodically snapping at Mr Romneysheels before falling behind again: Rick Santorum, aformer senator from Pennsylvania. This week MrSantorum flubbed yet another chance to overtakeMr Romney, by losing the primary in Illinois. That is great news for Mr Romney.


  After Georgia, Illinois is the biggest prize yet, accounting for 69 of 2,286 delegates to theRepublican convention in August, at which the nominee will formally be selected. MrRomney won by a big margin: 47% to 35%. Because of the complicated electoral rules inIllinois and many other states, that will bring him at least two-thirds of the delegates fromthe state. It also marks the first time that he has drubbed Mr Santorum in the Midwest, afternarrow wins in Michigan and Ohio and defeats in Iowa and Minnesota.

  伊利诺斯州是继乔治亚州之后最重要的选区,在2286名参加八月举办的共和党大会的代表中,有69名都来自伊利诺斯州,届时大会将正式选出提名者。罗姆尼以47%比35%的绝对优势大获全胜。 多亏了伊利诺斯和其他州复杂的选举规则,罗姆尼将获得至少三分之二的伊利诺斯州代表的支持。这也标志着在经历了密歇根,俄亥俄的险胜以及爱荷华,明尼苏达的失败之后,罗姆尼首次在中西部地区打败了桑托勒姆。

  Mr Santorum did his best to expand his appeal beyond the most conservative voters,talking in histrionic terms about the need for smaller government. This is the mostimportant election of your lifetime, he intoned at a rally in Peoria, the supposed navel ofmiddle America. Freedom [is] at stake, he tweeted on the morning of the primary. But hehad already fluffed his lines, appearing to suggest that the unemployment rate was not thatimportant .


  Disappointingly for Mr Santorum, Peorians seemed to have faith in Mr Romneys ability torepair the economy. People for whom that was the most important issue voted for himoverwhelmingly, according to exit polls. They also had misgivings about Mr Santorumsemphasis on social issues. At an event he held also in Peoria, a veteran said of his fixationwith abortion: Its the last thing we should care about. If we keep spending, we are going toend up like Greece. Yet like a moth to the flame Mr Santorum keeps returning to suchtopics, and all the controversy that comes with them. During a speech he gave at a religiousschool in the Chicago suburbs, two men in the audience stood up and kissed, promptingpredictable hostility from the crowd.

  皮奥利亚的人民抱着对桑托勒姆的失望之情转而寄希望于罗姆尼能够挽救萎靡的经济。据投票后民调显示,那些把失业率视为重中之重的人都坚定地把票投给了罗姆尼。他们同样误解了桑托勒姆强调的社会问题。在另一场皮奥利亚的集会上,一个退伍老兵表示自己支持终止计划:这是最后一件值得我们关注的事,如果我们继续挥霍,下场会和希腊一样惨。于是桑托勒姆如飞蛾扑火一般又回到了这类话题,以及这类话题所来了种种争议上。 他曾在芝加哥郊区的一所教会学校讲话,其间两个男人从观众席里站起来拥吻,毫不意外地招来了观众的反感。

  Mr Romney has won over half of the delegates awarded so far. That pace, if sustained, willbe more than enough to secure him the nomination outright, although probably not beforethe final primaries in May and June. His rivals, by contrast, would need to improve theirshowing dramatically, winning the lions share of the remaining delegates simply to deny MrRomney outright victory. And they would have to do that in unfavourable states likeMaryland, New York and California.


  The prospects for the two other candidates, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul, look hopeless; butneither of them shows any sign of being ready to concede. Both Mr Paul and Mr Santorumargue that they have actually won more delegates than estimated in the caucus states. Thiscould be true , but the difference wouldbe far too small to alter the dynamics of the race. Mr Gingrich, for his part, seems to enjoycampaigning and to bear a grudge about how Mr Romney and an allied Super PAC ended histime in the sun with cloudbursts of negative advertising.

  纽特金里奇和罗恩保罗这两位候选人的前景也十分黯淡。但是两个人都没有退缩的意思。保罗和桑托勒姆都认为自己实际赢得的代表人数要比决策会议上公布的多。这也不是没可能但差距太小,不足以改变参选动态。金里奇似乎很喜欢参选,也很喜欢抱怨罗姆尼和同盟Super PAC是如何利用负面宣传这个晴天霹雳终结了自己阳光灿烂的的参选生涯的。

  Moreover, even if Mr Romneys nomination is in the bag barring some unexpectedreversal, his position is hardly commanding. His biggest wins have tended to be in placesthat either vote reliably Democratic in presidential elections, such as Illinois andMassachusetts, or dont vote at all, such as Guam and Puerto Rico . He still struggles to win the support of poorer, less educated,more conservative and more religious voters. On March 24th he is likely to lose the nextstate to vote, Louisiana. His long, hard march to the nomination continues




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