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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  THE Republican majority in the House ofRepresentatives called its budget proposal Thepath to prosperity: A blueprint for Americanrenewal. Whether it would live up to that billingwe will never know, as Democratic opposition inthe Senate will prevent it from being enacted. Butby recanting on the budget deal they struck withthe Democrats last year, and by renewing pledgesto slash spending and overhaul populargovernment programmes, the Republicans havecertainly paved the path to partisan rancour andDemocratic attack ads.


  The plan, unveiled on March 20th by Paul Ryan, the chairman of the Budget Committee, issimilar to the one he put forward last year. It aims to cut spending by more than $5 trillionover the next decade relative to the budget the president proposed last month. That wouldbring the deficit to below 2% of GDP by 2015, and the budget into balance by around 2040.


  The proposal would also dramatically cut taxes for businesses and individualsa move itclaims could be paid for by eliminating exemptions and deductions. It also rehashes Mr Ryansscheme to stop the government paying directly for health care for the elderly via Medicare,and instead hand out that could be used to buy private insurance. But to ease suspicionsthat this is simply a ruse to foist rising costs on blameless grannies, Mr Ryan now says thatthe vouchers could be used to remain in a version of the current Medicare programme; this,however, may cost people money if competition from private providers succeeds inundercutting Medicare.


  The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office calculates that the proposed spending cuts areeven more swingeing this time round. Only Social Security would remain on its present trajectory. The projected growth in Medicare would be crimped,while outlays on Medicaid, the government health-care scheme for the poor, would behalved as a share of GDP by 2050. Everything else would be cut by over two-thirds.


  Democrats are delighted that Mr Ryan is returning to the limb he put his party out on lastyear, when House Republicans overwhelmingly backed his budget proposal only to belambasted by Democrats for ending Medicare as we know it and prioritising tax cuts for therich over benefits for the poor. A Democrat who stuck to that script won a by-election inwhat had long been a safe Republican seat in upstate New York last year. The party hasalready launched a similar campaign this year, denouncing the Republicans Medicaremadness. Republicans, for their part, insist that their forthright stance, in contrast to theSenate Democrats failure to pass a budget for the past three years, will earn them respectfrom voters. Mitt Romney, the probable Republican nominee seems to agree: he has heartilyendorsed Mr Ryans approach.


  Whatever the plans electoral merits, it has also set off a more obscure but potentiallyeven more significant battle within Congress. It attempts to unpick the deal sealed last yearby the president, the House and the Senate to raise the limit Congress imposes ongovernment debt in exchange for spending cuts. The Republicans are now proposing cutting$19 billion more next year than agreed. They also want to undo part of the fail-safemechanism that was supposed to induce both parties to compromise on a scheme toreduce the deficit. If no agreement was reached, spending dear to both sides was to be cut by$1.2 trillion. No deal has been reached, but Mr Ryans plan calls for the military cuts to be restored.


  The Democrats in charge of the budgeting process in the Senate have already declared anydeparture from the debt-ceiling deal unacceptable. But plenty of Republicans in theHouse feel that Mr Ryan is not going far enough. That sets the stage for another fiscalshowdown when the current fiscal year ends on October 1st, a month before elections inwhich all members of the House, a third of senators and the president all face the voters.




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