IF CALIFORNIA were not already so famous forSilicon Valley and Hollywood, it might berenowned for the cluster of water-technologyfirms in its San Diego County. The reverse-osmosis spiral module, the trick thatunderpins turning sea- and waste-water intopotable stuff, was patented in San Diego in 1964.Today dozens of firms in the area supply many ofthe worlds roughly 13,000 RO plants in places fromthe Persian Gulf and Israel to Australia, China,Singapore and Spain.
Southern California itself, however, has not so far been a big user of its own technology. Thisis surprising, given that the whole American south-west confronts a water problem. But thereis at least now a growing consensus that the existing infrastructure, consisting of vastaqueducts that carry water from the Sacramento Delta in the north and the Colorado River inthe east, will not suffice as the climate gets warmer and the population increases. Inplaces such as San Diego, which has measly and brackish groundwater and currently imports90% of its water, the answer must be greater conservation, as much reuse as possible, withmost of the rest coming from the sea.
然而到目前为止,南加州自身对水处理技术的运用并不广泛。这让人感觉到很惊讶,因为整个美国西南地区面临水资源匮乏问题。至少大家都逐渐认识到:随着气候变暖和人口增加,现存的基础设施将难以满足用水需求。圣地亚哥拥有的地下水储量既少,盐份又高,如今其 90%的用水需从外地引入。在像圣地亚哥这样的地方,其对策是尽可能的节约用水、循环利用,而剩余不足的部份则大多从海洋中获取。
The first part, conservation, is hardly controversial any more. San Diego today uses lesswater with a larger population than it did in 1989, the year water consumption peaked. Thesecond part, water recycling, has been a harder sell, because of what the industry calls theyuck factor. It doesnt help that Americans still use the term toilet-to-tap for recycling,even though properly treated sewage is nowadays completely clean. Singapore made itsprogramme acceptable in part by rebranding it as NEWater. But even the Singaporeanscannot recycle all their waste-water.
This is where desalination comes in. A firm appropriately called Poseidon Resources is nowclose to building the biggest desalination plant in America behind a power station by thebeach in Carlsbad. The power plant sucks in 304m gallons of seawater a day for cooling in anycase, so Poseidon plans to divert 104m gallons a day through its osmotic membranes.
海水淡化技术就因此出现了。恰如其名,Poseidon Resources公司将在美国修建最大的海水淡化厂,其厂址位于卡尔斯巴德的海滩附近的发电站后面。发电站每日总会吸取30400万加仑海水用于冷却,因此Poseidon计划每日用渗透膜淡化10400万加仑海水。
Fondling a pipe of membranes ,Poseidons Peter MacLaggan explains the scale: if water molecules were blown up to thesize of tennis balls, salt molecules would be softballs ,viruses would be trucks, and bacteria would be the size of power plants. From the 104mdaily gallons, 50m gallons of pure H2O will come out at one end and brine at the other, to befed back into the power stations discharge, and then into the ocean.
渗透膜如同卫生纸一样卷起来的,但却有大炮那么大。Poseidon的Peter MacLaggan一边摸着渗透膜一边解释道:如果水分子胀大到乒乓球大小,盐分子有垒球大,病毒有卡车那么大,细菌有发电厂那么大。在每天处理的 10400万加仑海水中,有5000万加仑的纯水从渗透膜一端流出,然后在其另一端变成浓盐水,最终由发电厂的排放系统流回海里。
Lots of people like the idea. Once fully running in 2015 the plant could produce 10% of theregions water. And there are plans for more desalination plants. Inland Californians,Arizonans, Nevadans and others would need to take much less water from the endangeredColorado River.
But a few people hate it a lot. Environmentalists are suing Poseidon every step of the way.Joe Geever of the Surfrider Foundation says desalination uses too much energy and thatPoseidons plant would kill too much marine life, including fish such as the goby and thegaribaldi, which unfortunately happens to be Californias state marine fish. He understandsthat there is a role for desalination, he says, but would rather not have it right there, rightnow, and on this scale.
但是也有一些人极不赞同。环境保护者正在起诉Poseidon海水淡化方式的每一步骤。冲浪协会的JoeGeever说:海水淡化耗费太多的能源,而且 Poseidon会伤害许多海洋动物诸如虾虎鱼、海金鱼之类的鱼类,而后者恰好是加州的海洋鱼。他说,他知道海水淡化的重要性,但是相对于其来带的利弊,他宁愿加州此刻没有这么大规模的海水淡化。
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