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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  For those who have lost faith


  Why Capitalism? By Allan Meltzer.

  《为何是资本主义?》作者:Allan Meltzer

  A Capitalism for the People: Recapturing the LostGenius of American Prosperity. By Luigi Zingales.

  《为人民的资本主义:重拾美国繁荣时期消失的天才》作者:Luigi Zingales

  The financial crisis has led some people to question the viability of Americas economicsystem. Socialisms appeal has faded in Russia and China, and to a degree in other countriesthat once were its champions, such as India and Cuba. But American-style capitalism has nothad an easy time of it either. Crashing financial markets, bank bail-outs and highunemployment have all added to a growing sense of unease about a system that is basedon private ownership of resources.


  Why Capitalism? by Allan Meltzer, a professor of economics at Carnegie Mellon University inPittsburgh, is an extended response to some of the calls he has received in recent years.The most thought-provoking came from a woman in Germany who, after reading the NewYork Times, wondered if, only two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, she was actuallywitnessing the implosion of the system that brought it down.

  《为何是资本主义?》的作者Allan Meltzer是匹兹堡的卡耐基梅隆大学的一名经济学教授,该书主要是对他这几年收到的咨询电话做出的扩展回复。最发人深省的电话来自一名德国女士,她在看完纽约时报后,不由深思,当初正是资本主义推倒了柏林墙,如今柏林墙倒塌才20年,她是否就已经在亲临这一体制的逐渐崩溃。

  Capitalisms core defence, Mr Meltzer argues, is that it is the only system that leads tofreedom and economic growth. It is less good at ensuring virtue or stability; failure is aninherent part. Indeed the authors observation that capitalism without failure is likereligion without sin. It doesnt work well, has already been widely circulated. However, thesins attributed to capitalismcorruption, fraud and greed, to name but threeare not onlypervasive in systems where the state controls production, but far more damaging and farless likely to be rectified.


  The main problem, he argues, is that even nominally capitalist systems have, for better andworse, elements of state control. These often begin with defence and the police, and go onto national transport systems, which leads, in Americas case, to an ever-expandingnetwork of bureaus and agencies. Much of bureaucracy is adopted under the rationale ofenhancing fairness. But, as Mr Meltzer notes, fairness often means providing presentbenefits using debt that must be repaid by taxpayers in the future orthrough regulations and subsidies created by people in government who then go on toexploit them in private-sector jobs .


  It is this last issue that forms the heart of A Capitalism for the People by Luigi Zingales, aprofessor at the University of Chicagos Booth School of Business. Mr Zingales has written anelegy to the America he found when he moved there 24 years ago from an Italy that wasrife with nepotism. Italian businesses preferred to stay small and discreet. Growing biggermade them vulnerable to scrutiny and would require them to hire people on the basis oftalent rather than loyalty; and loyalty was important because it, once again, helped protectthe firm from scrutiny.

  《为人民的资本主义》一书最后一个话题也正是该书的中心思想,书的作者是芝加哥大学布斯商学院的Luigi Zingales教授。24年前,Zingales从裙带关系泛滥的意大利来到美国,该书正是Zingales为当时他所见的美国写的一曲挽歌。在意大利,公司一般都喜欢小规模运作谨慎周密地运作。扩大公司规模会让他们更容易经不起监管,还要求他们得根据能力选人而非忠诚度,但是忠诚度又极其重要,因为正是员工的忠诚才让他们经得住详细盘查。

  Arriving in America, Mr Zingales found an enthusiasm for capitalism. Americans believedthat it was possible to become rich and that increasing wealth benefited the poor as well asthe not so poor. They regarded their capitalist system as fairor at least fair enough. All ofthose sentiments, says Mr Zingales, have been eroded.


  Much of the change is a direct result of the vast expansion of the state through complexsubsidies and anti-competitive regulations that invite the sort of cronyism that Mr Meltzercites as well. When government favours the private sector, Mr Zingales argues, it is all toooften by being pro-business rather than pro-market, meaning that favourable conditionsare provided to particular institutions rather than to institutions broadly. This distorts thesystem, resulting in precisely the problem of select companies making profits while imposingcosts on society that Mr Meltzer argues is at the core of what regulation should be designedto prevent.


  Mr Zingales makes three proposals. Protected sectors, notably education and health care,should be opened up to competition. Tax policy should be changed in two ways. First, itshould be used to make subsidies and their costs more transparent. The deduction onmortgages, for example, should be termed a tax on renting; the lavish benefits provided forethanol production should be regarded as a tax on petrol. Secondly it should be used as asubstitute for complicated regulation and applied against areas that cost society, such aspollution and the use of short-term debt by banks.


  More broadly, Mr Zingales wants a closer, explicit, tie between capitalism and morality. Hewants to extend the public shaming of corporate crooks to people who take actions that arelegal, but damaging to society, such as borrowers who walk away from mortgages merelybecause their value exceeds the value of the underlying property. Business schools, MrZingales says, are ideally positioned to point out when an action that provides a benefit foran individual comes at a cost to society, but in reality they rarely bother. This, he believes,is part of the same malaise that has befallen the political debate on capitalism, which hasbeen taken over by special interests and people who have no faith in a real market-basedsystem. For all Americas success, he warns, Washington is on a trajectory that leads toRome.

  更广泛地说,Zingales 期盼的是拉近并明确资本主义和道德之间的关系。他想要扩大舆论压力,要大家不仅耻于骗子企业,还要耻于行为合法但却危害社会的人,比如一些借款人,仅因为自身价值超越了作为基础产业的房地产的价值而逃避按揭付款。Zingales还指出,当个人以社会为代价获得利益时,商学院理念上要指出这样的行径,但在现实中,它们却对此不闻不问。Zingales相信,这和政治上对资本主义的争论都是一种病态,资本主义已不再是争论热点,取而代之的是对特别利益团体和那些根本就不相信真正市场导向体制的人的热议。尽管美国是成功的,但Zingales警告到,华盛顿正在重蹈罗马的覆辙。



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