Segregation in cities
Living in black and white
How different races inhabit cities
Segregation: A Global History of Divided Cities. By Carl Nightingale.
Carl Nightingale S history of segregation claims to be a detailed account of how cities were,for millennia, divided along racial lines. But it is really a history of how colonialism affectedthe construction, governance and policing of great urban areas.
For the past 500 years white Europeans have often used their economic and military powerto build and rebuild urban landscapes in order to grab the safest, healthiest and nicest partsfor themselves. Even in places where colonial rule is now a distant memory, many urbanenvironments cannot be understood without recalling their foundation as a fortified enclavefor Europeans bent on procuring commodities or opening markets. Calcutta was set up in 1690 by a member of Britain s East India Company, in defiance of the localMuslim overlord. It later vied with London as the biggest metropolis in the British empire.
Both colonialism itself and the divided cities it spawned reached their zenith on the eve of thefirst world war. As Europeans migrated in large numbers to far-flung corners of theirexpanding empires, the need to keep them comfortable, both physically andpsychologically, meant that other groups were treated with ever greater ruthlessness. MrNightingale shows how the roots of apartheid in South Africa, for example, are to be foundmuch earlier than the 1948 election victory of the National Party; they lie in the colonialproject which led to the creation of Johannesburg half a century earlier with white and non-white areas. This was made much more explicit after 1948and this shocked a world whereracial ideologies and colonialism were being challenged and dismantled. But segregationistzeal did not flare in a vacuum; it built on an existing system of allocating space whichreflected the needs of an imperial elite.
Those needs were complex and shifting. After their defeat of the Boers in 1902, the Britishmasters of South Africa wanted labour for the gold mines that had given birth toJohannesburg; but they also wanted to attract white, English-speaking immigrants, and topromise them a life in which other races featured only as house servants. Ever moreingenious forms of separation emerged, including the foundation of present-day Sowetobeside an urban sewage farm. In Cape Town, a new effort to divide, aimed at keepingEuropeans healthy, began after the arrival of bubonic plague at the start of the 20th century.The scourge had been spreading westward from China s ports; in many cities, infectiousdiseases were the catalysts for grand segregationist projects, and were underpinned by racistideologies.
Mr Nightingale, a professor at the State University of New York in Buffalo, makes a fair casefor studying the emergence of colonial cities as a single phenomenon. More contentiousis his argument that modern Chicago presents a comparable example of rich white peopleforcing racial minorities, especially blacks, to live separately and badly.
Even when black people were enfranchised and began asserting their civil rights in the 1960s,politics in Chicago was manipulated in ways whose end-result was not so different fromapartheid, he argues. One early factor was the emergence of a property market that wasdistorted by covenants which specified the race of the purchaser. The Supreme Courtallowed the practice in 1926, but struck it down in 1948. Later, so-called urban-renewalprojects were used to move black communities to less desirable locations, Mr Nightingalesays. Poor areas were cleared to build highways that would enable rich commuters to travelmore easily between offices and their suburban homes.
Mr Nightingale is right to point out that segregation can exist without a formal regime. But hesurely underestimates the difference between a country like the United States, where thedisadvantaged have legal and political tools at their disposal, and apartheid South Africawhere no such tools were available. So powerful is his belief in a handful of masternarratives that he sometimes shoehorns facts to fit his theories. The demons which haunthis universe are imperial elites, property markets and racial ideologies. All of these factors, he believes,operate in a top-down and often co-ordinated way to advance the interests of the powerfuland marginalise weaker groups.
But not everything can be explained in those terms. For example, the violence whicherupted on the streets of Northern Ireland in 1969, and entrenched segregation, may havehad its roots in imperial policy, but it clearly had a local momentum of its own. It isnonsense to suggest, as he does, that the Protestant mobs that attacked Catholic areas in theearly days of the troubles were cheered on by right-wing British politicians in London.
Another gripe is that the book promises an account of 70 centuries of city-splitting but failsto deliver on that, despite a perfunctory opening chapter which looks, among other things,at sacred space in prehistoric and pre-modern times. To state the obvious, Westernimperialists were not the only dividers of cities. In traditional empiresOttoman or tsarist,for examplecities were split because society itself was rigidly divided, although not alwaysphysically, into ethnically or religiously based communities where the individual s everydaylife was controlled by the leader of his or her group, who in turn delivered the group sloyalty to the sultan or emperor. The elites of each group had a stake in enforcingseparation. A comprehensive look at urban segregation would have teased out thedifference between traditional and modern separation.
Mr Nightingale s view of how power works makes his own task harder. He struggles to dealwith the fact that the white elite in both Britain and South Africa were willing to maketactical concessions to non-whites when it suited them; the white workers who went onstrike to stop black workersbeing promoted in the mines in the early 1920s were brutally suppressed.
In the present day, too, a top-down view of power has limits. Take Northern Ireland, whereover 90% of a vast public housing stock is segregated by religion. Government officials inLondon and Belfast would love to change that, but it seems beyond their capacity tochallenge the forces that keep most streets pure. Urban division in this case is a measureof government weakness, not ruthless strength. Segregation is not always somethingimposed by those who hold political power over the weak and vulnerable.
即使在当今,自上而下的权力观也有局限性。以北爱尔兰为例, 90%以上的庞大公共住房资源以宗教为界限隔离。伦敦和贝尔法斯特的官员很希望改变它,但他们似乎无法挑战各种希望保持街道纯正的势力。在这一点上,城市的隔离体现出政府的脆弱性,而不是表现铁腕政治。隔离制度并不总是握有权力的强者对弱者的压迫。
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