Marek Edelman
Marek Edelman, the last military commander ofthe Warsaw ghetto uprising, died on October 2nd,aged 90;
He was sure that once he started fighting, he wasgoing to die. No point in being scared about it.Death was death; there was nothing more, nothingbigger, that could happen to him. At least in this way, taking up arms, he could die on his ownterms rather than theirs. His time, his place. Suicide would have been another way to do it,but he never considered that. Going to the gas chamber or the mass grave with quiet,considered dignity, like many of the residents of the Warsaw ghetto, was another way: farmore admirable and more difficult, he thought, than running through random bullets as hedid. But it was not for him. 这两句我的译法绝对有问题,盼高手现身!Only by dying as publicly aspossible, loudly and with his gun blazing, could he let the world know what the Nazis weredoing to the Jews in Poland.
The odds were overwhelming. He was deputy commander of 220 untrained boys withpistols and home-made explosives. Against them were around 2,000 Nazi soldiers, the pick ofthe Wehrmacht, with plenty more behind them. The Nazis had come on the eve of Passover,April 19th 1943, to liquidate the Warsaw ghetto, from which they had been deporting 6,000Jews a week to the death camps. For almost a month Mr Edelman helped keep them at bay,barricaded in the streets around the brushmakers district until the whole place was burneddown round him.
冲突势不可挡。他是220名持有手枪及自制炸弹的未受训练的童子军的副指挥官。他们的敌手是德军精锐约2,000名纳粹士兵,其后还有更多的敌人。纳粹在 1943年4月19日逾越节前夜对华沙犹太人区展开清洗行动,纳粹已在此前一个星期里把该区6000名犹太人赶进了死亡集中营。在近一个月里,爱德曼帮助犹太人在brushmakers区街道设置路障,以牵制[纳粹],直到其周围的整个地区被烧毁。
The ghetto had been established in October 1940 to cut off the city s Jews, with a high walland wire, from the general population. Jews were crammed into its four square kilometresfrom all over the city, Poland and the German Reich. By April 1942 half a million people livedthere, many on filthy straw mattresses directly on the ground. Around 1,500 were dying eachweek from hunger and disease. In those conditions, Mr Edelman said, the most importantthing was just to be alive: not to be one of the naked corpses wheeled past on carts, headsbobbing up and down or knocking on the pavement. A terrible apathy took hold, in whichpeople no longer saw or believed the random horrors round them. He tried to rouse them,first by staying up night after night to print mimeograph newspapers, and then by fighting.
充斥着高墙和电网的犹太人区建立于1940年10月,用以隔离居民中的犹太人。来自波兰和德国各城市的犹太人被塞进了这个4平方公里的地方。 1942年4月时,有50万犹太人生活在那里,其中许多人直接生活在地上那肮脏的稻草垫上。每星期大约1500人死于饥饿和疾病。爱德曼说,在这种情况下,最大的希望仅仅是还活着:不是那经过的轮车上,头部上下摆动或者敲击过道的裸尸之一。一种恐怖的漠然滋生,在漠然中,人们不再认为无处不在的恐怖是恐怖。他试图唤醒他们,首先是持续、连夜打印油印报纸,然后是战斗。
rough the sewers
As a messenger at the ghetto hospital, Mr Edelman was one of the few allowed out. Hepassed on news of Nazi atrocities to the larger Polish underground, and gathered up weaponsand fighters. Precisely how much help he got is still disputed. He implied later that gentilePoles both couldn t do much, and wouldn t, to help the Jews they still distrusted, even thoughthey faced a common enemy. But the beleaguered Jews were disunited too: secular,socialist, non-Zionist Jews like him, with ardent Zionists and communists, all bickering overtactics at the edge of the abyss.
He considered himself both a Pole and a Jew, despite his white armband with its blue star.Warsaw was home to him; his parents had died when he was young, leaving him to bebrought up by staff in the hospital. He spoke Polish, Yiddish and Russian. His dream was notof some Zionist homeland, but a socialist Poland in which Jews would have culturalautonomy. He continued to hope for that all his life.
During the final throes of the ghetto uprising 50,000-60,000 Jews were deported to thecamps. Mr Edelman survived, escaping with a handful of colleagues along tunnels barely twofeet high, slimy water up to his lips, to safety. Some 16 months later, in August 1944, he tookpart in the larger Warsaw uprising, which was crushed after 63 days. It led to the razing ofthe city by the Nazis in a last act of revenge.
After the war, Mr Edelman was one of the few Jewish Holocaust survivors who stayed inPoland. He moved to Lodz, where he graduated in medicine. Subsequent waves of anti-Semitism did not dislodge him: not even one in 1968 when up to 20,000 Jews left, includinghis wife and daughter. When he lost his job, he merely moved to another hospital. Nothingelse terrible happened to him, as he put it. In 1981, having become an activist for theSolidarity movement, he was briefly interned under martial law. He had known worse.
战后,爱德曼成为留在波兰的少数犹太大屠杀幸存者之一。他移居到[波兰]罗兹,并从医学专业毕业。随后的反犹浪潮并没有迫使他离开波兰,即使在1968年,有近 20000犹太人离开时,其中包括他的妻子和女儿,他也未曾有过离开这个国家的念头。他失业时,也只是到另一家医院[就业],就像他所说过的那样,不曾有人找过他麻烦。 1981年成为团结工会活动家后,他曾因戒严令被短暂拘留。他已见怪不怪了。
Mr Edelman could be brusque and difficult with colleagues. But it was his quietthoughtfulness that most irritated people. He refused to express open hatred for the Nazis,and for years would not talk about the ghetto uprising. As Bronislaw Geremek, another ghettosurvivor, said once, he was a hero who didn t like heroism. Only in old age did he start tospeak out, not least to try to influence the present. In 1999 he publicly supported NATOstrikes in the Balkans, arguing that a policy of pacifist non-intervention only played into thehands of dictators.
爱德曼或许态度粗暴而显得难与同事相处。然而,正是他的慎思笃行惹恼了民众。他拒绝公开表达对纳粹的仇恨,且长达数年不愿谈及犹太区起义。正如另一位犹太幸存者盖雷梅克曾说:他是一个不喜欢英雄主义的英雄。到了晚年,为了教育现代人他才开始谈及往事。 1999年,他公开支持北约轰炸巴尔干地区,认为和平主义者的不干涉政策,只会让独裁者占便宜。
His expertise was in cardiology , and the heart and itsemotions seemed to intrigue him more as the years passed. His last book, published thisyear, made a point of describing the love affairs of the Warsaw ghetto: the marvellousthings that happened, and the ecstatic moments of happiness, when terrified and lonelypeople were thrown together. Man was naturally a beast, but love could overwhelm him,and love could also be taught. As for his general devotion to medicine, that was easilyexplained. Someone who had known so much death, he used to say, bore all the moreresponsibility for life.
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