Book Review; New fiction; Petalsof blood
David Grossman may have written his mostimportant novel yet;
To the End of the Land. By David Grossman.
It is no accident that the prologue to DavidGrossman s new novel, To the End of the Land, takes place in a fever ward. As the storiesunfold, the reader discovers that fever is not just a symptom of physical illness. It becomesa description of the existential state of Israel. Mr Grossman s characters are not so muchin possession of their experiences as possessed by them. They are gripped by a deepuncertainty about what will happen next: a terrorist bomb, the violent death of someoneclose, the overwhelming of their country by the enemies that surround it. It is next toimpossible to rest or be at peace. Some seek to withdraw from this situation, others toresist it. It pervades existence in ways that make a distinction between the personal andthe political something that is longed for and quite impossible to achieve.
大卫格罗斯曼的新小说《走向天尽头》以发烧病房作为开头并非偶然。随着小说情节的展开,读者发现发烧不只是身体病状。发烧成为了以色列生存状态的特征。大卫先生作品的人物与其说是具有了经验,不如说被经验缠住不得脱身。他们被不断要发生的种种深度不确定性事件引发了发烧症:恐怖分子的炸弹、至爱亲朋的死于非命、祖国四面受敌的严峻态势。 归于安定和平几无可能。一些人寻求躲之避之,另一些人则要斗之抗之。这个不确定性弥漫于存在状态的方方面面,其弥漫的方式却有截然不同的两种,各自代表了个人的或政治上极不可能实现的愿景。
Published first in Hebrew in April 2008, To the End of the Land is Mr Grossman s eighthnovel to be translated into English. His first translated book was not a novel, but adocumentary work that came out in 1987. The Yellow Wind engaged with the lives ofPalestinians who live in Gaza and the West Bank under Israeli occupation. It showed MrGrossman s scrupulous attention to the feelings and thoughts of a group of people who haveoften been met with suspicion and contempt. It was also unequivocal that Israel shouldwithdraw from the occupied territories as much for the sake of Israeli Jews as for theirArab neighbours.
The book made Mr Grossman, now 56, a contentious figure in Israel, and the controversyhas not gone away. He is a vocal opponent of the extension of Jewish settlements. At thesame time he has emerged in the last two decades as one of the most significant voices inIsraeli and world literature. To the End of the Land is his most ambitious work to date. Hebegan writing it in 2003 and, as a poignant endnote to the novel discloses, discussed it withhis son, Uri, while he was on military service. In 2006 Uri was killed by an anti-tank missileduring the second Israeli-Lebanon war. The event does not explicitly surface in the novel,but it adds a grave sadness to Mr Grossman s searching account of the psychological andphysical costs of a seemingly endless state of war.
To the End of the Land follows the course of the feverish state of Israel in the lives of itsthree main characters. The prologue, set in 1967, tells of their first meeting as teenagers ina hospital ward. There are two boys and a girl. Ora cries out in her sleep, haunted by theaccidental death of her best friend. Avram is witty, talkative, consoling. Ilan seems thesickest of the three. As their individual temperatures scale up and down, they form a trinity,each becoming an aspect of the other s identity. Without knowing it, the three enter into arelationship that will determine the rest of their lives.
The novel then moves forward to 2000. The setting is a long walk that Ora and Avram takethrough northern Israel. The stories told in the course of it piece together what has happenedin the intervening years. There has been a lot of damage. The fever has taken its toll. Avramhas never recovered from imprisonment and torture in the Yom Kippur war. Ilan s and Ora smarriage has broken up. Ora can no longer bear the burden of living in a country thatrequires all its citizens to be soldiers. She feels that a military state has destroyed the familyshe has so lovingly and painfully brought to life.
Their walk is a pilgrimage of sorts. Ora tells Avram the story of her life. She wants to bringhim to a state where he can acknowledge that one of her two sons is his and not Ilan sandhe can come to love the boy, now a serving soldier. Their capacity to listen to each othermight be a form of therapy; or it might not. Nothing is made explicit.
他们的徒步穿越是某种朝圣之旅。奥拉向埃弗拉姆述说了她的生活经历。她想把他引入一种氛围,在此氛围下他能承认她的两个儿子之一就是他的儿子,不是依蓝的;她也希望他能够爱这个在服兵役的儿子。他们能够互相听得进对方的话,这就可能是一种疗伤止痛的方法; 但也可能不是。没有什么是清楚确定的。
The question of a cure for their lives, of some kind of forgiveness, hovers around their words.The novel alludes to the hopes for redemption in the stories of the Jewish tradition: thejourney into the promised land, the coming of the Messiah, the renewal of the covenantbetween God and his chosen people. But these allusions are not endorsements. MrGrossman s imagination is secular, worldly, self-questioning and ironic. The Israel heimagines, beautifully and sorrowfully, is not going to be saved by any divine intervention.
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