Shipping in east Africa
Ocean ahoy!
Losing its coast has not stopped Ethiopia developing its shipping
ETHIOPIA became landlocked in 1992, when its Red Sea coast was lost to the new state ofEritrea. It lost access to its former ports soon afterwards. Since the outbreak of a vicioustwo-year war between the two countries in 1998, the Red Sea ports of Massawa and Assabhave been off-limits to Ethiopian freight . Instead, Ethiopia has to rely on Djiboutifor imports and exports. That comes at a heavy price: it costs more to truck a containerfrom Djibouti to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia s capital, than to ship the same container from Chinato Djibouti.
But losing the coastline has not scuppered Ethiopia s merchant fleet. The state-ownedEthiopian Shipping Lines has eight ships afloat and nine under construction in China.That is modest compared with the armadas of the biggest shipping firms. But having any sortof ocean-going capability is good for national pride. At ESL s Addis headquarters, completewith portholes and model ships, the outgoing boss, Ambachew Abraha, remembers proudlyhis days as an engineer aboard the freighter Queen of Sheba. She was a real beauty, hesays. With her I sailed to Rotterdam, Hull, Middlesborough.
失去海岸线并未使埃塞俄比亚的商船队遭到重创。埃塞俄比亚本身拥有的运输线有8条货船处于运输状态,同时还有9条尚在中国建造中。这一规模堪比世界上最大的海运线西班牙无敌舰队。只要拥有任何程度上远航能力都可以提升民族自豪感。在ESL艾缔思的总部,装饰有舷窗和模型船,ESL的总裁埃姆拜初 阿布拉哈自豪地回忆其在示巴女王货轮上作为一名工程师的日子。 她是真正的美, 他回忆道, 我随她出航到鹿特丹港市,赫尔,米德尔斯堡。
Mr Abraha was recently replaced as part of a shake-up of the company, which has seen aportfolio of state-owned transit and warehousing facilities added to it. The aim is to offsetthe high freight costs Ethiopian businesses pay by streamlining the entire transportprocess. A new railway is planned from Djibouti to Addis, and dry ports inside Ethiopia willallow goods to pass more quickly out of Djibouti, cutting the price of storage and customs.
Last year ESL made a profit of $40m. The new umbrella company looks likely to do evenbetter. But a lot depends on Ethiopia getting more access to blue water. Its trade officialsplan to do more business via the port of Berbera in Somaliland, a mostly unrecognisedbreakaway from Somalia, and with Port Sudan in Sudan. They are also cheered by a Kenyanplan to build a super-port at Lamu, a Swahili fishing-town near Kenya s border withSomalia. A new road and railway would connect Lamu with Ethiopia and head on to SouthSudan and possibly Uganda.
It might also reduce the risk of Ethiopian vessels being captured by Somali pirates. They haveso far escaped that fate, perhaps because the pirates fear that the Ethiopians would launch aswift and bloody reprisal. But for all shippers, the threat of Somali piracy has nonethelesspushed up insurance costs and forced vessels to make expensive detours.
ESL handles 45% of Ethiopia s shipping. Most of this is on the company s own vessels, butsome space is bought from other shipping lines. China is financing ESL s new vessels, whichwill have improved cranes and holds for handling more complex cargoes, such as thecolossal turbines needed to build Ethiopia s new hydroelectric dams. Many of ESL s shipsleave Africa emptier than when they arrived, but that is changing. The shipping companyhopes to increase its exports of coffee, grain, minerals, leather and textiles.
Ethiopia s maritime ambitions are not limited to ESL. A school for sailors has been set up at auniversity in the lakeside town of Bahir Dar. It has ambitions to train 5,000 ship s engineersand other officers for the world s fleets within the next decade-providing low-costcompetition for Sri Lankan and Filipino sailors. The government reckons these sailors couldsend home $250m a year in salaries. They would also return, as Mr Abraha has, withvaluable skills and a hankering for the briny unusual in a landlocked country.
埃塞俄比亚的海事雄心并不只局限于ESL公司。在巴希尔达镇的湖边,一所大学设立了培养水手的学院。它立志于在未来十年为全世界的船只培养5000艘船只的工程师及其他方面的海事官员 与斯里兰卡和菲律宾的水手形成低成本的竞争。改过政府预计这些水手将每年从薪水中抽2500万美金寄回家。他们将来也会回归,正如阿布拉哈一样,带着宝贵的技术,以及异于陆路国家的对于大海的追求。
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