The global crash Japanese lessons
全球危机 日本教训
After five years of crisis, the euro area risksJapanese-style economic stagnation;
Five years ago, things looked rosy. In the first weekof August 2007 forecasts by investors and majorcentral banks predicted growth rates of 2-3% inAmerica and Europe. But on August 9th 2007everything changed. A French bank, BNP Paribas, announced big losses onsubprime-mortgage investments. The same day, the European Central Bank wasforced to inject 95 billion EURO of emergency liquidity. Thecrisis had begun.
During the first year, policymakers looked to Japan as a guide, or rather a warning. Japan sdebt bubble had caused a lost decade, from 1991 to 2001. Analysts commonly drew threelessons. To avoid Japanese-style stagnation it was vital, first, to act fast; second, to cleanup battered balance-sheets; and, third, to provide a bold economic stimulus. If Japan istaken as the yardstick, America and Britain have a mixed record. The euro area looks as if itmight be turning Japanese.
Debts took years to build up. Take the American consumer. Debt was around 70% of GDP in2000, and grew at around 4 percentage points a year to reach close to 100% of GDP by 2007.The same was true of European banks and governments: debts rose hugely but steadily. Itwas not hard to spot debt mountains forming.
The crisis erupted with the realisation that subprime exposures were widespread. Manyassets were worth less in the market than they had been bought for. Debts started to lookunsustainable and interest rates jumped. This meant governments, consumers and banks,after building up debt slowly, suddenly faced much higher costs, as debts matured and theywere forced to refinance at higher rates.
The reaction was quick. By the end of 2008 the Federal Reserve, the ECB and the Bank ofEngland had slashed official interest rates. Their aim was to offset the spike in debt coststhat companies and consumers were facing. The cuts were fast by Japanese standards . It seemed the first lesson had been learnt.
Falling asset prices meant that many banks and firms had debts that outweighed their assets.The Japanese experience showed that the next job was to deal with these brokenbalance-sheets. There are three main options: renegotiate debt, raise equity or gobankrupt.
In the efforts to reinvigorate balance-sheets, debt investors have reigned supreme. Debtshave been honoured. Indeed, a recent report from Deutsche Bank shows that even investorsin risky high-yield debt have had five great years. Bank bonds in America have returned31%; in Europe, 25%.
As asset values fell, debt maintained its fixed value. This meant that equity, thebalance-sheet shock-absorber, had to fall in value. So although debt caused the problem,equity took the pain. A Dow Jones index of bank equity is down by more than 60% since2007, according to Deutsche Bank. Some banks share prices are down by more than 95%.
In many cases, the equity buffers were too small, so governments stepped in, taking equitystakes in banks. In both America and Europe governments stood behind their financialsectors. Balance-sheets were repaired. It seemed the second lesson from Japan had beenlearnt too.
But the clean-up just moved the problem on. Governments borrowed to fund the bail-outs.So banks balance-sheets were strengthened at the expense of public ones. America ssupport for the banks cost 5% of GDP; Britain s cash injection into its ailing banks was 9% ofGDP. And household debt was still high.
但是这个清理却带来的问题。政府借款来救市。 所以银行的资产负债表因公共支出而得到加强。美国对银行的救助花费了大约5%的GDP;英国对形势不好的银行的资金注入也达到9%的GDP数额。家庭负债依然很高。
A third lesson from Japan was to seek a strong stimulus: in a growing economy, high debtneed not be a problem. Take a household s finances. A large mortgage is fine as long asbreadwinners incomes are sufficient to pay the interest and leave some to spare. Inflationhelps too, as debts are fixed at their historical values but wages should rise with inflation.
Following Japan s example, central banks engaged in quantitative easing , buyingbonds for newly created cash . This aims to drive up bond prices,lowering yields and making debt manageable. The QE programmes have been bolder thanJapan s and corporate-bond yields have indeed fallen .
But although policymakers learnt some lessons from Japan, there are reasons to worry aboutthe next five years. In Britain and America there are two main concerns. First, the fiscalstimulus may not be bold enough and in Britain is being withdrawn before the economy isback on its feet. Having supported banks, governments are trying to cut deficits and havelittle to spend. Richard Koo of Nomura, a bank, reckons Japan s experience shows thatgovernments should increase borrowing to mop up private-sector savings.
但尽管政策制定者从日本经验中学到了不好,但对于接下来的五年的担心还是有理由的。在英国和美国有两大忧虑。一是,财政刺激行动不够有力,在英国财政刺激行动在经济复苏前就不见踪影。为了支持银行,政府努力减少赤字和政府开支。野村证券的理查德 古猜测政府应该提高借债以结束私人储蓄。
Second, government bail-outs can have long-term costs. In some cases, brokenbalance-sheets are a sign of a broken business model; bankruptcy is then a better option,cleansing the economy of unproductive firms. Japan kept too many bad firms going. Thereare signs of that in America and Britain too. The American government s bail-outs ran to over601 billion DOLLAR, with 928 recipients across banking, insurance and car industries. Britainhas large stakes in two of its four big banks and has no clear plans to sell them.
The euro area is in a more dangerous position. Its recovery has been painfully slow . Its prospects look grim: data released on August 1st showedGerman, French and Italian manufacturing contracting at an increasing rate . And to the meagre stimulus and zombification of industry can be added athird Japanese traitpolicy indecision. On August 2nd Mario Draghi, the ECB s head,indicated the bank s readiness to buy bonds again as part of a co-ordinated rescue plan.Stockmarkets initially fell, suggesting the investors are unconvinced that it will save theeuro area from aping Japan.
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