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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Foreigninterventions;When to hold and when to fold

  来自外国的干扰; 来自外国的干扰究竟该如何进退

  Can Intervention Work? By Rory Stewart andGerald Knaus.

  《干预有用吗?》Rory Steward, Gerald Knaus合著。

  Can we intervene in foreign countries and dogood? Can we stop wars and genocides and get ridof evil dictators? Can we then build modern,democratic states that thrive in our wake? Theanswer depends on who you ask. An anti-Qaddafi Libyan will have nice things to say aboutNATO s role there right now. But you will get very different views from an Afghan, an Iraqi, aBosnian or a Kosovar.


  Rory Stewart and Gerald Knaus are well placed to pose and answer these questions. BeforeMr Stewart became a Conservative MP, he was a deputy governor of two Iraqi provinces. Healso walked across Afghanistan and wrote a bestseller about the experience. Mr Knaus, apolitical economist, runs the European Stability Initiative, a Berlin-based think-tank foundedin Sarajevo in 1999, which has been particularly influential in the Balkans.

  Rory Stewart 和 Gerald Knaus根据自身的经历,给出了合宜的答案。在Stewart成为一个保守党议员之前,他曾担任过伊拉克两个省的省长。他还曾横穿阿富汗,将自己的经历写成了书,并成为了畅销书。Knaus则是一名政治经济学家,他管理一家位于柏林的智库,叫作欧洲稳定计划。其于1999年创建于萨拉热窝,在巴尔干半岛各国特别有影响力。

  The book is structured as two essays with a lengthy joint introduction. Mr Stewart haswritten a colourful account of his time in Afghanistan and his failed attempts to stop what hesees as a self- defeating build-up of ambitions, troops and plans. He skewers gobbledygooknotions of bringing Afghans accountable governance and Western-style rule of law. It is notthat he is against such things, but that he doubts the ability of foreigners to impose it all. Hecites a pragmatic admonition from English Mountain Rescue: Be prepared to turn back ifconditions turn against you.


  Writing about Bosnia, Mr Knaus deploys heavy artillery in arguments that he has madebefore. Intervention there has been a stunning success, he says, given the state of Bosnia atthe end of its devastating war in 1995. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have returned,not a single intervening soldier was killed , and today s problems are of theconventional political sort, not the kind that herald another war. Not only does Bosnia enjoyfree and fair elections, but also it has relatively little crime. Mr Knaus argues that the onlymissteps came from assumptions held by those like Lord Ashdown, when he was de factogovernor of Bosnia, that well-meaning envoys could behave like imperial viceroys, sackingelected yet obstructive leaders at will.


  From rather successful interventions, defined as Bosnia and Kosovo, the authors convey animportant lesson: that is, the experience garnered in one place is generally not much useelsewhere. Bosnia was a success because the intervention came as part of the 1995 Daytonpeace agreement, which ended the war and which all the exhausted sides committedthemselves to. In Kosovo the vast majority of its peopleethnic Albanians, nearly all ofthem Muslimswere very grateful for what they saw as their America-led liberation fromthe Serbs. Mr Knaus also argues that the United Nations war-crimes tribunal was vital as aform of closure and for removing from the political scene characters such as Ratko Mladic, aBosnian Serb general now on trial for genocide in The Hague.

  从波斯尼亚、科索沃等干预的成功案例中,作者得出了一个重要的结论,那就是,从一处获得的经验多数时候在其他地方并不管用。波斯尼亚干预的成功是因对其干预是作为1995年代顿和平协议中的一部分提出的,协议旨在结束战争,而精疲力竭的双方也都愿意遵守。而在科索沃,大多数国民为阿尔巴尼亚人,几乎所有人都是穆斯林,他们十分感激美国领导他们从塞尔维亚人手中解放。Knaus还谈到,联合国军事法庭对于消灭拉特科穆拉迪克这样的人至关重要。Ratko Mladic是波斯尼亚的塞尔维亚将军,如今因涉嫌种族灭绝而在海牙国家法庭受审。

  So, does intervention work? As any Bosnian peasant may tell you, maybe yes, maybe no.It depends on the circumstances and requires modest ambitions. Muddle through with asense of purpose, says Mr Knaus. Do what you can, where you can and no more, agrees MrStewart. In policy terms that sounds a bit like yes to Libya, no to Syria and so on.




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