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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Indonesia s Teflon tycoon


  Aburizal Bakrie has survived controversy inbusiness and politics;

  Aburizal Bakrie在商业和政治的论战中双双获胜;

  Although Aburizal Bakrie, one of Indonesia s mostprominent businessmen, lost his job as Indonesia swelfare minister last year, he is still managing togenerate lots of political controversy. In October he took the reins of Golkar, the partycreated by Indonesia s former strongman, Suharto. Now he is trying to reshape the cabinetin his own image, calling for the suspension of the vice-president and the finance ministerover their role in the bail-out of a local bank in 2008. Golkar lawmakers spent much of thisweek interrogating the pair in public hearings.

  尽管印度尼西亚最卓越的商界人士之一Aburizal Bakrie在去年失去了印尼福利部部长的工作,但是他仍然在设法挑起众多的政治论战。在十月他掌管了由曾经的印尼巨头Suharto所创立的 Golkar党。现在他正在尝试按照他自己的设想来重组内阁,并要求出于对副总统和财政部长在2008年对当地银行进行优先股分红中的职责考虑应中止他们的职务。Golkar的立法者这周花了很多时间去听取公众的声音。

  Mr Bakrie s family business, meanwhile, continues to pull off improbable feats. In Novembera consortium it led outmanoeuvred state-owned firms and a local rival to secure a stake inone of the world s biggest copper and gold mines, on the island of Sumbawa. The monthbefore China Investment Corporation, a Chinese sovereign-wealth fund, had lent BumiResources, a big coal-mining firm in which the family owns a stake, $1.9 billion.

  与此同时,Bakrie的家族企业连续取得一系列看似不可能完成的业绩。在十一月,它所领导的一个联营企业成功战胜了印尼的国有企业以及一家当地竞争对手而赢得一家位于松巴哇岛的全世界最大的金、铜开采企业之一的股份。而就在上一个月,中国投资有限责任公司一个主权财富基金借给Bakrie家族控股的一个大型煤矿业开采公司Bumi Resources了19亿美元。

  The deals crowned the family business s recovery from near collapse in 2008, when aplunge in the shares of six Bakrie-linked firms prompted the Indonesia Stock Exchange toclose for three days. Even before that narrow escape, Mr Bakrie was notable as one of thefew tycoons from Suharto s era to have managed to preserve his businesses and politicalclout despite the Asian crisis of 1997 and the transition to democracy the following year.

  这些交易使得 Bakrie家族成功的从2008年的崩溃中恢复过来。在那一年,六家Bakrie家族相关的公司股票的暴跌甚至一度使得印尼的证券交易所被迫关闭三天。而即使是在那九死一生之前,作为自Suharto时代以来能够从1997年的亚洲金融危机和次年的民主制过渡中全身而退并保留其商业和政治影响力的极少数的巨头之一,Bakrie依旧是声名显赫的。

  Mr Bakrie s continued influence is the cause of much discussion in Jakarta. Bakrie-controlledcompanies cover the breadth of Indonesia s economy, including mining, oil and gas, palmoil, property, telecommunications and finance. So Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Indonesia spresident, stirred concerns about conflicts of interest when he appointed Mr Bakrie as ministerwith overall responsibility for the economy in 2004. Although he was put in charge of socialwelfare and public services instead after a reshuffle in 2005, the controversy only grew.

  Bakrie持续的影响力导致了在雅加达的很多讨论。Bakrie控制的公司覆盖了印尼经济的各行各业,包括采矿业、石油和天然气、棕榈油、房地产、电信以及金融等。因此当印尼的总统SusiloBambang Yudhoyono在2004年任命Bakrie 作为大臣全权负责经济运作时曾一度为相关利益冲突绞尽脑汁。尽管Bakrie 在2005年的政府改组后被任命管理印尼的社会福利以及公众服务事业,那些论战相较以往只是更激烈而已。

  In 2006 a devastating mudflow erupted near a site in Java where Lapindo Brantas, aBakrie-controlled company, was drilling for gas. The mud continues to flow today, and hasdisplaced more than 16,000 people, swamping entire villages, factories and towns in toxicsludge. Lapindo Brantas disavows any responsibility, despite claims that it had failed to useappropriate safety equipment while drilling. It insists the mudflow was triggered by anearthquake three days beforean explanation that has been dismissed by numerousinternational experts. Lapindo still has not compensated most of those displaced by themudflow despite twice being ordered to do so by Mr Yudhoyono. A police investigation limpedalong for more than three years before officials announced last August that they weredropping the case. Soon after a special investigative committee of the House ofRepresentatives, led by a member of Golkar, declared, with little scientific backing, that themudflow was a natural disaster.

  在 2006年一次毁灭性的泥流突然爆发,且恰好发生在爪哇附近,在那里Bakrie控制的一家公司LapindoBrantas正在开采天然气。泥流至今仍在持续,并使得超过16000的民众被迫转移,有毒的泥流淹没了整个村庄、工厂和小镇。Lapindo Brantas 公司拒绝对此承担任何责任,而仅仅宣称它在开采的过程中确实没有使用安全、合适的工具。它坚持说这次泥流是为三天前的地震所触发的而这种解释被众多的国际专家所摒弃。Lapindo公司至今仍没有为那些因泥流而转移的大多数民众作出补偿,尽管Yudhoyono总统已经两次命令其这么做了。一个警方的调查有气无力的持续了三年,直到去年八月官方终于宣布他们不再关注此事。不久之后一个Golkar成员所领导的特别调查委员会the House of Representatives在缺乏有力科学证据的情况下宣称泥流爆发仅仅是一场自然灾害而已。

  Mr Bakrie kept his job through all this. Although he has since left the cabinet, other membersof Golkar are still in it. The party remains in the governing coalition despite its spirited attackson the vice-president and the finance minister, and its support of an investigation of thepresident s Democrat Party, which have been accused of embezzling government funds.


  Mr Bakrie rejects any suggestion that he wields undue influence. In 2008 he threatened tosue Tempo, one of the country s leading political magazines, after it ran a critical articlefeaturing a caricature of his face with the number 666 on his forehead. By the same token,he has rejected the claim of Sri Mulyani Indrawati, the finance minister, that Golkar ispursuing her only because she has resisted special treatment for Bakrie family firms. He sayshe simply wants to hold public officials to account. Some observers believe his desire to servethe public good is so strong he may even run for president himself one day.

  Mr Bakrie坚决否认那些他具有不正当影响的说法。在2008年,印尼的一家重要政治杂志《Tempo》在发布了一篇附有一幅额头上标有666 的Bakrie脸部漫画的批判性之后文章后,他还威胁到要起诉这家杂志。出于同样的原因,他也驳斥了财政部长Sri Mulyani Indrawati关于Golkar迫害她仅仅是因为她不屈从于Bakrie家族公司的特别手段的说法。他说他仅仅只是想要政府官员们负责而已。一些观察员相信他为公众服务的欲望是如此的强烈以至于终有一天他要亲自担任总统。



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