Advice from Bill Clinton;Yes, we can
Back to Work: Why We Need Smart Government for a Strong Economy. By Bill Clinton.
Recently the American public s growing criticism of Barack Obama has been accompanied bywarmer feelings for the Clintons. More and more Democrats now wonder if they should havechosen Hillary in his place, and it is increasingly common for the president s lacklustrehandling of the economy to be contrasted with the surer leadership and much happiereconomic times when Bill ruled the White House. Mr Clinton has now written a book full ofideas about how to revive the economy and get America s unemployed millions back toworkadvice that, by drawing further attention to their contrasting styles, Mr Obama mayfind less helpful than Mr Clinton intends.
最近,一面是美国公众对巴拉克奥巴马 日渐增多的批评声不绝于耳;另一面是对克林顿夫妇更加温馨的情感绵绵于心。越来越多的民主党人现在怀疑是否他们当初应该选择希拉里 取代奥巴马,而且奥巴马处理经济的乏善可陈与比尔入主白宫时更加自信的领导力以及更加幸福的经济时期之间的对比也愈发普遍。克林顿刚写完的一本书里满是关于如何复苏美国经济以及如何使得美国成百上千万失业人员重返工作岗位的点子。比起克林顿的主观意图而言,奥巴马可能觉得这些忠告起不了多大用处,因为它们促使人们进一步注意到两人对比鲜明的风格。
Mr Clinton says he was prompted to write by the success in the 2010 mid-term elections ofwhat he calls the antigovernment movement, which has prevented much of the action thatis necessary to tackle joblessness. He bemoans the end of an era when Republicans andDemocrats in Washington, DC, could disagree on policies but essentially share a commonset of facts and the view that, one way or another, government was there to help.
克林顿称促使他写作这本书的动机是他称之为反政府运动在 2010 年中期选举中获得成功,而反政府运动阻碍了许多解决失业问题的必要行动。他惋惜一个时代的终结。在这个时代里,华盛顿的共和党人和民主党人会在政策上有分歧,但在本质上对一系列事实以及无论如何政府都应出手相助的看法仍享有共通之处。
Still, he can t resist mentioning his joke on the campaign trail that my feelings were hurtbecause I wasn t the Tea Party s favourite politiciana roundabout way of tooting his ownhorn, having left office with a budget surplus, higher employment, fewer people onwelfare, lower taxes for much of the population and having scrapped lots of government redtape.
The book has two main strengths that Mr Obama would do well to emulate. First, whilearguing, rightly, that in the short run the American economy urgently needs a boost fromgovernment spending, it spells out in simple terms why Uncle Sam also needs a crediblestrategy for sorting out the country s long-term fiscal problems. Mr Clinton shows far moreenthusiasm for the report of the Simpson-Bowles deficit-reduction commission than hasso far been mustered by its creator, Mr Obama.
Second, Mr Clinton is at his famously wonkish best in scouring America and the world to find practical ideas for getting people back towork. Many of these require smart government, which more often than not meanspartnering with private businesses and non-profit organisations. Some ideas are evenborrowed from the Republicans, including at least one from his old foe, Newt Gingrich. MrClinton is especially keen on the idea of modernising America s infrastructure and creatingenvironmentally friendly green jobs, but he also sees merit in more trade liberalisation,immigration and getting at the country s huge reserves of cheap natural gas through fracking.
其次,克林顿以其出了名的孜孜不倦的努力搜寻着美国和世界,以找到使得人们重返工作岗位的务实方法。其中的许多方法需要聪明的政府,这通常意味着与私人企业以及非盈利组织合作。某些点子甚至从共和党人那里借鉴而来,其中至少有一条来自他的老对手纽特金里奇 。克林顿尤其热衷于促进美国基础设施现代化及创造环保绿色工作的思想,但是他也看到了加强贸易自由化、增加移民以及通过水力压裂法抽取美国巨大的廉价天然气储备的优点。
Some of the former president s suggestions are not as convincing as others. Yet, throughthe sheer number and range of his ideas, Mr Clinton manages to convey a badly neededsense of hope. With an optimism that is currently in short supply among his countrymen, heconcludes by predicting that America will rise yet again; after all, for more than 200 years,everyone who s bet against the United States has lost. In other words, as Mr Obama onceput it, Yes, we can.
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