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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Financial-technology firms


  Apps at the gate


  Tech start-ups promise to transform finance, ifregulators will let them


  Aug 3rd 2013 |From the print edition

  TWO millennia after the Temple was cleansed of money-changers, the Archbishop ofCanterbury, Justin Welby, plans to open his churches to moneylenders. This is nocapitulation in the struggle between God and Mammon. It is an effort to compete out ofexistence payday lenders that offer expensive loans by supporting not-for-profit creditunions.

  在寺院与金钱交易撇清关系两千年之后,坎特伯雷大主教Justin Welby计划开放教堂给放贷者。这不是选择上帝或者贪婪之间的妥协。这是通过支持非盈利信用合作社让高利息贷款失去市场。

  The archbishop is right that more competition is needed, but old-fashioned credit unionsare unlikely to be able to beat the slick systems and snappy service of online providers,like Wonga. A more effective way of pushing down rates would be lighter regulation toallow more lenders to flourish.


  Digital communications have given birth to a new generation of finance companies . Money-transfer agents such as Xoom have drastically cut the time and costs formigrant workers to send money home. Peer-to-peer lenders are matching savers andborrowers, slashing fees and delivering a better deal to both. New foreign-exchange firmsare giving travellers access to the prices quoted on wholesale currency markets. Cardcompanies such as Square and iZettle let anyone from yoga teachers to plumbers acceptpayments by credit card. Firms such as M-Pesa have given millions of people in developingcountries access to mobile money.


  Heavy regulation of financial companies means many firms stick to small niches to skirt theboundaries of banking regulations. Peer-to-peer lenders do not offer savers the security ofdeposit insurance or the convenience of guaranteed instant access to their cash. This limitstheir appeal. Other firms that take deposits such as Holvi, a Finnish start-up that offers groupaccounts, are not allowed to lend. Those that do lend, such as Wonga, cannot take deposits.


  Creating a financial-tech company is arduous. Whereas it takes less than a day to register acompany in Britain, it takes months or years and can cost millions to get authorised as abank. The number of new banks started over the past decade can almost be counted onone hand. Even those that have started, such as Metro Bank or Aldermore, are penalised byregulation: rules on capital favour large and complex firms. In America the Dodd-Frank Actis an imposing barrier to all but the biggest firms. And regulation is closing in on someexisting firms. M-Pesa has struggled to grow much beyond Kenya, partly because authoritiesstand in its way. The market for remittances has been a hothouse for start-ups in Britain,partly because it was lightly regulated. Yet almost half the countrys money-transfer firmsmay be shut as banks close their accounts to comply with money-laundering rules.

  创建一家金融科技公司很费力。在英国一家普通公司可能不到一天就注册完成了,而要是成立一家银行则有可能经历长达数月甚至数年的审批,而且可能要花费上数百万的费用。过去十年里成立的银行数量一只手就能数过来。即使是成立了的银行像Metro Bank和Aldermore,都被监管部门处罚过。关于资本的规定更有利于大型公司。在美国,多德弗兰克法案对所有非大型公司是一个障碍。对很多公司的监管很严。M-Pesa努力在肯尼亚之外发展,部分原因就是政府出面阻碍其发展。在英国,汇款市场在初创公司中很火,部分原因就是其监管相对较松。但是如果银行以违反洗钱规则关闭它们的账户,那么近一半的转帐公司将会关门大吉。

  Banks need to be more heavily regulated than other firms because of their central role inthe economy. However, governments could regulate more smartly, raising capitalrequirements for big and systemically important banks while easing the burden on smallerones. Regulators should be even more relaxed about many of the new entrants to themarket, most of which simply provide quicker and simpler ways of shifting money around.Most of these start-ups avoid the alchemy of bankingthe transformation of short-termdeposits into long-term loansso pose little systemic risk.


  The idea of lighter-touch regulation will seem to many an anathema after the financialcrisis. It would certainly lead to more failures by small banks and start-ups. This would alsoimpose some costs on society and deposit-guarantee schemes. Yet these costs would beoutweighed by the enormous benefits to consumers and businesses of a far morecompetitive financial system.




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