2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。 India s Hindu nationalists: 印度的印度教民族主义者: Men in shorts 穿短裤的人们 The election over, Narendra Modi may drop theHindu right 选举结束,纳伦德拉莫迪或许将限制印度教权力。 Not physical jerks 这可不是单纯的体操。 POLITICAL pundits have spent much of the past week debating exit polls, released just afterthe final day of voting on May 12th. The polls pointed, more or less, to a single outcome:the Bharatiya Janata Party will wallop the incumbent party, Congress, and, led by NarendraModi, will form the next government. Investors pushed the stockmarket to a record high. Butdetails matter, such as whether Mr Modi can rely on a narrow coalition or will need a broadone. Here, the pollsters cannot be relied upon. The official results are due on May 16th, afterThe Economist goes to press. 5月12日是印度大选投票的最后一天,投票结束后不久,政府即公布了一份票站民意调查。在过去的一周中,政治专家们纷纷就这一调查结果展开辩论。调查或多或少地指向了同一个结果:纳伦德拉.莫迪领导的印度人民党将在选举中击溃现任执政党国大党,组建下届政府。投资者们借机推动股市达到了创纪录的新高。但是一些细节将对最后的结果产生重大影响,例如莫迪先生是否可以依赖这一狭隘的联盟或是去寻求一个更广泛的合作。民意调查并不可靠,官方的结果将会在5月16日即本刊付梓后公布。 A second debate concerned the clout of the Hindu right. Since he was a boy, Mr Modi hasbeen an activist member in the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, formed in 1925 as apro-Hindu social movement. It began with charitable aims but always carriedquasi-military overtones as men in brown shorts performed dawn callisthenics. These daysthe RSS is rebranding itself as a more youthful, right-leaning, nationalist organisation, withrugby and volleyball on offer as alternatives to physical jerks. 第二个辩论则有关于印度教权力的影响。从童年起,莫迪先生就一直是印度国民志愿服务团的活跃成员。印度国民志愿服务团成立于1925年,支持印度教社会化运动。它是为了慈善的目的而成立,但是成员们每天早晨穿着棕色短裤演练体操却使它染上了一丝准军事化的色彩。这些天来,国民志愿服务团致力于重新标榜自己为一个更加年轻的,右倾的民族主义组织,并且提供橄榄球和排球作为一个替代体操活动的选择。 Throughout the election campaign, the RSS supplied volunteers for the BJP. Theorganisation s sway within the party remains strong. Mr Modi became party leader in 2013when the RSS chose to back him. Observers see an effort to expand the RSS s majoritarianappeal, with less talk of Hindu identity and more about national strength. Smooth-tonguedspokesmen downplay a once-core assertion of the RSS: that to be Indian was to be Hindu. 在整个的竞选活动中,RSS一直为印度人民党提供志愿者。该组织在人民党内保持着巨大的影响力。2013年,在RSS的支持下,莫迪先生成为了印度人民党的领袖。观察家们将其视作印度国民志愿服务团扩大其多数人统治诉求的努力,只是现在他们更少地谈及印度教的身份,转而更多地从国家力量的出发。圆滑的发言人如今则对服务团曾经核心的主张印度人就得是印度教徒轻描淡写。 Yet Mr Modi s rise brings questions about the role of the RSS and the wider Sangh Parivar, orfamily of Hindu nationalist outfits. Some have high expectations. About 2,000 volunteersturned out to help Mr Modi in Varanasi alone. On May 12th members of the RSS s studentwing cheered Mr Modi as one of us , claiming he would bring relief on issues dear to them.These include calls for a temple to be built at the site of a demolished mosque in Ayodhya inUttar Pradesh; for Muslim-majority Kashmir to lose its special status under the Indianconstitution; and for the abolition of a separate marriage code for Muslims. Not for thesepeople discussions about economic policies. 然而,莫迪先生的就职带来了有关RSS与更广泛的联合家庭印度教民族主义者组织联合间的角色问题。有些人抱着很高的期待。仅在瓦拉纳西市就有约2000名志愿者帮助莫迪先生的竞选。5月12日,加入国民志愿服务团的学生们便欢呼莫迪先生是我们的一员,宣称他将会对有利于他们的事情带来解决办法。这些就包括呼吁在北方邦阿约提亚市的一处废旧的清真寺旧址上修建一座寺庙;呼吁取消穆斯林人口占多数的克什米尔地区在印度宪法下的特殊地位;呼吁废除专为穆斯林制定的单独的婚姻法。以及不要为这些人讨论经济政策。 A senior RSS organiser in Varanasi talks of Mr Modi restoring pride in what the nation lostin the last 1,000 years, in the sons of the nation, the Hindus who originally belonged to thiscountry. Only once before, at the defeat of Indira Gandhi in 1977, has the RSS thrown itselfso heavily into party politics. Just as it is helping Mr Modi s cause, so he is helping the RSS,according to one of its spokesmen in Delhi. With more effective recruiting, especially online, 10,000 new members are said to be signing up each month, including at universities andamong employees at the country s booming IT firms. RSS的一位高级官员在瓦拉纳西市谈及莫迪先生重建了印度人的骄傲,这份骄傲是在过去的1000年中这个国家所丢失了的事物中,在这个国家的子孙间,在那些从最开始就属于这片土地的印度教徒身上。之前只有在1977年英迪拉.甘地失败的那一次竞选中,RSS才如此激烈地参与到过党派政治中。据德里的一位发言人称,RSS在帮助莫迪先生的事业,他也在帮助RSS。得益于更有效率的招募行动,尤其是在网络上的,据说每个月都有10,000名新成员加入,而其中就包含着在校大学生和这个国家冉冉升起的IT行业的雇员们。 If Mr Modi becomes prime minister, members of the broad Sangh Parivar family say theyexpect a more forceful approach to Pakistan and China. School textbooks could bereworked to show history in the right way, as one puts it, for example by telling howMaratha kings triumphed over Muslim armies. 如果莫迪先生当选为总理,广大的联合家庭成员们期待着对巴基斯坦和中国采取更为强硬的措施。学校的教科书也会被重新编写,例如通过描述马拉地国王如何打败穆斯林军队这种所谓的正确的方式展现历史,。 Yet Mr Modi s readiness for collaboration may prove passing. It is true that on May 10th hespent two hours with the RSS s leader, Mohan Bhagwat, reportedly to assess the nationalcampaign and potential ruling coalitions. But with voting over, the BJP will not need itsarmies of street volunteers. And Hindu nationalists may recall how in Mr Modi s early years ofrunning the state of Gujarat, he mostly kept the RSS at arm s length, worried that a rivalpower might arise. Widening his appeal to all Indians may mean turning his back on themore divisive outfits to which he has been close. 然而莫迪先生的合作意愿可能只是短暂的。5月10日,他与RSS的领导人莫汉.巴格瓦特会谈了两个小时,据报道是在评估全国运动以及潜在的执政联盟。但是当投票结束后,印度人民党将不再需要街头的志愿者军队。那时印度教民族主义者或许会记起莫迪先生早年在古吉拉特邦执政时是如何做的大多数时候他都会与RSS保持距离 ,以避免反对力量的出现。迎合更广大的印度人民意味着莫迪先生会背离这一引起纠纷的组织,尽管他一直同印度国民服务团关系亲密。 词语解释 1.such as 例如;譬如;诸如 Ancillary businesses such as derivatives havethrived. 一些配套的业务如金融衍生品已经蓬勃发展了。 What about future steps such as euro bonds? 诸如欧元联盟之类的未来计划怎样? 2.turn out to 结果是 But that might turn out to be the joint strike fighter s downfall. 但是,这也可能会变成这架联合攻击战斗机的陷阱。 None of those assertions turn out to be accurate. 这些断言没有哪一个证明是准确的。 3.call for 需要;要求 A few relatively infrequent situations also call for a semicolon. 有几个比较少见的的情况也要求使用分号。 Cuadrilla s lancashire plans call for hundreds of wells. 而cuadrilla的兰开夏郡计划需要几百口井。 4.according to 根据,按照;据所说 All firsts in a car, according to gm. 据通用公司表示,这些都是汽车史上的头一遭。 According to weiner, product teams will continue to crank. 据韦纳尔表示,产品团队将继续发挥奇思妙想。
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