2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。 Sri Lanka s Muslims 斯里兰卡穆斯林 Buddhist power 佛教武装 Another minority is under threat 又一个少数群体遭受威胁 Living in fear 活在恐惧中 FIVE years after the end of a bloody civil war that pitted Sri Lanka s ethnic-Sinhala-dominatedgovernment against members of its Tamil minority, fears are growing about mountingviolence along another of the country s fault-linesreligion. On June 15th Sinhala Buddhistmobs rampaged through three towns on the southern coast, burning and attacking Muslimbusinesses and homes. Families cowered in marshes and took refuge in mosques as crowdsbanged on doors, baying for Muslims to come out. Some carried clubs, others flung petrolbombs. 五年之前,主要民族僧伽罗人控制的政府军和泰米尔少数民族之间的血腥内战让斯里兰卡变得遍地弹坑。如今,对于该国不同宗教间不断增加的暴力冲突的担忧也越来越多。6月15日,僧伽罗佛教暴徒在南部沿海的三个城镇实施暴行,焚烧和袭击了穆斯林商店和居住地。大群暴徒敲打着穆斯林的家门,叫嚣着让他们滚出去。这些暴徒拿着木棒,挥舞着汽油炸弹,所以居民们只能退缩到沼泽或到清真寺里去寻求保护。 The violence sputtered for nearly two days. Four people, three of them Muslims, were killed,and about 80 were injured. Calm was restored only when the army stepped in on June 17th.Outnumbered, the police and their special forces had struggled to beat back the mobs. AngryMuslims say many stood by and did nothing. 暴行持续了两天,造成4人死亡,80人受伤。直到17日,军队进入事发地区后才恢复了平静。这之前,寡不敌众的警方和特殊武装一直在勉强对抗暴徒。愤怒的穆斯林表示很多军人只是在围观,而没有采取任何行为。 The mobs were incited by an inflammatory speech from a Buddhist monk named GalagodaAththe Gnanasara. A rabble-rouser like the Burmese monk, Wirathu, whom he recentlyvisited, Mr Gnanasara leads an organisation called Bodu Bala Sena , or Buddhist PowerForce, that supports militancy against minorities to preserve the dominance of the Buddhistmajority. Muslims have been particular targets. Although just 10% of the population, theyare making headway in business and finance. Most shops attacked this week were run byMuslims. Some were razed to the ground. 这些暴徒是受到了佛教僧侣Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara讲话的煽动。Gnanasara是一个和缅甸僧侣维拉图一样的煽动者,他最近还拜访了后者。Gnanasara领导着一支名为Bodu Bala Sena的组织,该组织支持用武装力量打击少数教派来保住多数人信奉的佛教的统治地位。穆斯林被列为主要的打击对象。只占10%的人口的穆斯林在贸易和财政行业表现出色。本周受到袭击的店铺大多为穆斯林经营的。但其中不少被夷为了平地。 The BBS organised a rally in the town of Aluthgama at which Mr Gnanasara raged that anymarakkalayawho laid a finger on a Sinhalese was doomed. His timing was pointed. Threedays earlier hundreds of angry people had surrounded the Aluthgama police station after aMuslim man assaulted the driver of a Buddhist monk following a traffic dispute. The monkclaimed that he too had been wounded. The government was blamed for allowing the BBSmeeting to take place so soon after the incident. The inspector-general of police said he hadthought the rally would end peacefully. Muslim parliamentarians countered that they had triedhard to stop it from going ahead. Mr Gnanasara s hate speech clearly violates the law. Nor isthis the first time he has incited violence against Muslims. He has not yet been arrested forhis latest speech, though on June 17th the police got a court order to stop another BBS rally.They have been authorised to shoot violators. 佛教武装力量曾组织在Aluthgama镇发起了一次集会,集会上Gnanasara愤怒地表示任何一个动了僧伽罗人的marakkalaya都完蛋了。他刻意选择了这个时机。3天前,因为一名穆斯林男子在一次交通纠纷后袭击了佛教徒司机,数百民愤怒的民众包围了Aluthgama警察局。这个佛教徒司机称自己也受了伤。在事故发生后这么短的时间内居然让佛教武装力量举行了集会,政府因此饱受指摘。警察总长表示,他本以为集会和平结束。穆斯林议员们也反驳说,他们已经为阻止集会发生做了很多努力。Gnanasara充满恶意的演讲明显违反了法律,而且这已经不是他第一次煽动对于穆斯林的仇恨。目前,Gnanasara还没有因为最近的这次演讲而被逮捕,但警方在6月17号接到了阻止佛教武装力量集会的法庭命令。他们也被允许对反抗者开枪。 The local press has largely ignored or played down the rioting. As it was under way PresidentMahinda Rajapaksa was in Bolivia at the G77 summit, tweeting breezily about climatechange. After being criticised for his apparent insouciance, he did take to Twitter again topledge to bring to book those responsible. He has promised an investigation and has saidthe government will rebuild destroyed houses and shops. But his government will find it hardto portray itself as a staunch defender of its Muslim minority. 大部分地方媒体忽视或是淡化了这次暴动。正在玻利维亚参加77国集团峰会的马欣达拉贾帕克萨总统也是如此,他轻描淡写地发布着关于气候变化的推特。被批评为漠不关心后,总统又再发推特,保证会谴责这些不负责任的人。他还承诺会展开调查,并表示政府将修复被摧毁的房屋和店面。但是拉贾帕克萨政府很难让人相信他们会成为为穆斯林少数群体坚定的保护者。 词语解释 1.under threat 受到威胁 But hamas s hegemony is now under threat. 但是哈马斯的领导权现在受到威胁。 Meanwhile, microsoft s core software business isunder threat. 与此同时,微软的核心软件业务正面临威胁。 2.step in 干涉;介入;进入 So trustbusters may have to step in. 所以此时反垄断者们不得不介入。 So regulators may have to step in. 所以,监管机构可能不得不介入。 3.struggle to 斗争 Regulators would struggle to do any better. 规制者很难做得更好。 Companies in developing nations still struggle to bolster balance sheets by raising equity. 发展中国家的企业仍很难通过筹集股本为资产负债表提供支持。 4.blame for 责怪,责备 The blame for this impasse falls mostly on republicans. 共和党人应承担造成此僵局的主要责任。 All presidents tend to get the blame for high fuel prices. 世界各国的领袖都会因油价高企而受到指责。
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