2015复习正在如火如荼的进行中,考研专家建议可以按考研题型分别进行重点复习,是考研英语中分值最高的,在线小编特地整理了2015理解模拟试题供大家模拟练习,希望大家认真做题,错题着重看解析及译文,经过练习阅读理解能力必能有所提高。 十四、广告业是美国经济的晴雨表 When Rupert Murdoch sees beams of light in the American advertising market, it is not necessarily time to reach for the sunglasses. Last October, when the impact of September 11th was only beginning to tell, the boss of NewsCorp, a media group, had already identified strong rays of sunshine. With ad sales still languishing, Mr Murdoch declared last month that there are some hints of a modest upswing in the US advertising markets. His early optimism turned out to be misplaced. Now, however, other industry observers are beginning to agree with him. Advertising usually exaggerates the economic cycle: falling sharply and early in a downturn, and rebounding strongly once the economy has begun to recover. This is because most managers prefer to trim their ad budgets rather than their payrolls, and restore such spending only once they feel sure that things are looking up. Last year, Americas ad market shrank by 9.8%, according to CMR, a research firm. Although ad spending has not yet recovered across all media, some analysts now expect overall ad spending to start to grow in the third quarter. The signs of improvement are patchy, however. Ad spending on radio and television seems to be inching upadvertising on American national radio was up 2% in January on the same period last year, according to Aegiswhile spending on magazines and newspapers is still weak. Even within any one market, there are huge differences; just pick up a copy of one of the now-slimline high-tech magazines that once bulged with ads, and compare it with the hefty celebrity or womens titles. Advertisers in some categories, such as the travel industry, are still reluctant to buy space or airtime, while others, such as the car and movie businesses, have been bolder. The winter Olympics, held last month in Salt Lake City, has also distorted the spending on broadcast advertising in the first quarter. Nonetheless, there is an underlying pattern. One measure is the booking of ad spots for national brands on local television. By early March, according to Mr Westerfields analysis, such bookings were growing fast across eight out of the top ten advertising sectors, led by the financial and motor industries. UBS Warburg now expects the upfront market, which starts in May when advertisers book advance ad spots on the TV networks for the new season in September, to be up 4% on last year. On some estimates, even online advertising could pick up by the end of the year. 1. What does the author mean by it is not necessarily time to reach for the sunglasses ? [A] The sunshine is not terribly strong. [B] It is not good time to develop advertising. [C] There is no need to worry about economy now. [D] The real economic recovery has yet to take place. 2. Mr. Murdochs early market estimation was _____. [A] exaggerating the situation [B] being too cautious [C] underestimating the development [D] probably describing the reality 3. Which of the following is true according to the text? [A] Advertising is a sensitive marker of economic change. [B] Managers will first cut salary during economic downturn. [C] CMR was wrong about last years U.S. ad market. [D] Advertising spending has started overall growing. 4. Signs of improvement are visible in the advertising of _____. [A] high-tech magazines and sports industry [B] celebrity magazines and travel industry [C] womens magazines and car industry [D] movie industry and high-tech magazines 5. What is the authors view of the prospect of U.S. advertising market? [A] Recovery will be slow but sure. [B] There will be a big jump. [C] Patchy improvement will occur. [D] The situation will remain pessimistic. 答案:1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 核心词汇与超纲词汇 languish憔悴,凋萎,衰退 misplaced给错对象的;不适宜的,如~ confidence/optimism/fear不应有的信心/乐观精神/恐惧 patchy零散的,散落的,分布不均的;不完整的,参差不齐的 inch谨慎移动 slimline式样小巧的;薄型的;低糖的 bulge充满,塞满;凸出,鼓胀 heft重的,异常大的,肌肉发达的 title标题,题目;一种,一本;称号,头衔,职称;冠军 distort使变形,扭曲,使失真;歪曲,曲解 spot某演员的固定节目,某类节目的固定拦目,如a guest/solo ~嘉宾/独唱节目 全文翻译 当鲁珀特.默多克看到美国广告市场上反弹的光芒时,那光线还不够刺眼。去年十月,当9.11事件的影响刚刚开始显现出来时,这位资讯集团的老总就已经认为是强烈的阳光了。随着广告销售的衰退,鲁珀特.默多克先生上个月宣布美国广告市场有中度复苏的迹象。他先前看来是过于乐观了。然而,现在其他业内观察员却开始认同他的观点。 广告业的行情通常放大这样的经济规律:广告业在经济不景气的初期就明显下滑,一旦经济开始复苏就立刻反弹。这是因为经济不景气时,绝大多数企业主都宁愿削减广告开支而不愿意减薪,一旦感觉到经济形势有所回升他们就立刻又重新投入这些广告费用。根据美兰德媒体调查显示,去年美国的广告市场萎缩了9.8%。虽然广告费用的上升还没有在所有媒体中体现出来,但根据一些分析家的预测,今年第三季度广告费会全面上升。 然而,这些好转的迹象并不平衡。广播和电视广告费似乎在缓慢地上升根据安吉斯的报道,美国国家广播的广告收入在二月份比去年同期上涨了2%而报刊杂志的广告费依然很少。当然,即使在同一个行业里,也会有巨大的差异。比如拿一本曾经充斥着各种广告而现在显得很小巧的高科技杂志,与名人或女性娱乐杂志相比。广告主仍然不愿意在有些栏目如旅游栏目中买断版面或播放时间,而对汽车和电影这样的栏目却从不犹豫。上个月在盐湖城举办的冬奥会,也使第一季度的广播广告投资出现了异常的增多。 然而,这里存在着潜在的市场变化。一种是在地方电视台预定全国名牌的广告栏目。根据威斯特弗尔德先生的分析,三月初,前十名广告时段中有八个的预定正迅速增长,以金融和汽车业投资最多。UBS Warburg现在寄希望于前瞻市场,它会在5月启动,那时广告主们正开始为九月份开始的新季度预订广告栏目,预计比去年增长4%。根据一些预测,网络广告到年底也会有起色。
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