More than 1,000 Chinese and overseas companies in the auto industry, including manufacturers, suppliers and dealers, are involved in anti-monopoly investigations, according to an official at China s top economic planning body. 中国最高经济规划机构的一名官员称,汽车行业里已有上千家中国和海外公司的制造商、供应商以及经销商卷入这次反垄断的调查当中。 Antitrust investigations already announced in the auto and telecommunications sectorshave spread to other industries, say sources close to the probes. 另据可靠消息称,反垄断调查除在已宣布的汽车和电信行业里展开之外,还在向其他行业扩展。 For example, a large number of cement and medical companies are also involved in the investigations, according to sources. 例如多家水泥和医药公司也在被调查的行列中。 Besides recent high-profile cases, antitrust investigations into domestic companies are also underway and a monopoly case involving a State-owned company will be disclosed soon, an official at the National Development and Reform Commission, who declined to be identified, told China Daily. 国家发展和改革委员会一名不愿透露姓名的官员告诉记者,除了近期几个高调的案件之外,反垄断部门对国内公司的调查也一直在进行中,最近还会公布一家国有公司的垄断案件。 The latest auto company involved is US manufacturer General Motors, which said on Tuesday its passenger vehicle joint venture in China was contacted by the commission after at least seven foreign carmakers cut prices amid the antitrust investigations. 最近刚被卷入调查的美国汽车制造商通用公司,称在被反垄断部门调查的至少7家外国汽车制造商下调价格之后,发改委也联络了他们在华的汽车合资公司。 BMW, Volkswagen s Audi, Daimler s Mercedes-Benz, Tata Motors Jaguar Land Rover, Fiat s Chrysler, and Toyota and Honda have all announced price cuts for vehicles or spareparts in July and early August. 宝马,大众公司的奥迪,戴姆勒公司的梅赛德斯-奔驰,塔塔公司的捷豹和路虎,菲亚特公司的克莱斯勒,以及丰田和本田等都在7月份和8月初宣布降低其汽车和配件的价格。 FAW-Volkswagen s Audi division may face a fine of 1.8 billion yuan for operating a monopoly, The Economic Observer reported on its website on Tuesday,quoting an unnamed Audi dealer. 周二《经济观察报》在其网站上报道了从一位匿名的奥迪经销商得到的消息:一汽大众的奥迪分公司有可能因为垄断经营而面临18亿人民币的罚款。 The report said the punishment is equivalent to 1 percent of the company s sales in 2013, which is the minimum level as the Anti-Monopoly Law states that violators can be fined between 1 and 10 percent of their sales revenue for the previous year. China Daily could not independently confirm the report. 报道还称,罚款数额相当于该公司2013年1%的销售额,处罚程度属于最小,因为根据反垄断法的规定,对违法者的罚款数额可以是其前一年销售额的1%-10%。此报道的真实性如何中国日报无法证实 Recent high-profile antitrust cases have sparked rising concerns over China s monopoly efforts, with some foreign businesses complaining that they are being targeted unfairly. 最近这几例高调的案件引发了大家对于中国反垄断成果的担忧,有一些外国企业抱怨这不公平,并认为这些举动是在针对自己。 The commission official said the investigations, some of which began in 2011, are not aimed at any specific type of industry or a specific country. 而发改委的一名官员表示,最早开始于2011年的这次反垄断调查并没有针对任何特定的行业或特定的国家。 Investigations in many industries started with domestic companies and then spread to foreign companies, he said. He said investigations into State-owned or domestically owned private enterprises are also underway and a monopoly case involving a Stated-owned company will be disclosed soon. He would not disclose the sector the State-owned company is in, saying only that it is not the auto industry. 对于很多行业的调查都是先从国内公司开始,然后才扩展到外国公司的。这名官员还说,对国有企业以及国内私有企业的调查一直都在进行中,最近就会公开一例涉及国有企业的垄断案件。对于该国有企业属于哪个行业,他没有透露,只表示不是汽车行业。 The official said many domestic automakers are under scrutiny, but the problem here is not as obvious as that involving their international peers, partly due to their small market share. 这位官员还称,国内的汽车制造商虽然受到了审查,但其中的问题在他们的国际同盟中表现得更加明显,部分是因为国内厂商占有的市场份额较小。 Domestic-brand automakers accounted for less than 20 percent of China s auto sales in the first half of this year, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers says. 根据中国汽车工业协会提供的数字,今年上半年,国内品牌的汽车制造商在国内汽车销售额中只占不到20%。 The official said, Our goal is to ensure that Chinese consumers can enjoy high-quality auto and component services with prices as fair as in other markets. 这名官员表示:我们进行反垄断调查的目的就是为了确保中国消费者能够和其他市场上的消费者一样,用同样的价格买到同样高质量的汽车、享受同等的服务。 He said the Chinese government aims to establish an environment in which enterprises can compete on an equal footing. 他说中国政府致力于建立一个可以使各企业公平竞争的大环境。 Jessica Su, antitrust scholar and Institute of American Studies associate professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the commission has strong evidence and a legal base to continue its investigations. 中国社会科学院美国研究所研究反垄断法的副教授杰西卡苏称发改委有充足的证据和法律依据继续进行调查。 In the new-car and after-sales markets, the conduct of international automakers may have infringed the antitrust law, including price-fixing, territorial restrictions and customer restrictions , Su said. 苏教授说,在新车出售及售后市场上,国际汽车制造商的一些行为,比如价格操纵、地域限制、顾客限制等,都可能已经违反了反垄断法。 In the after-sales car market, suspected conduct includes exclusive supply, exclusive purchase and excessive pricing of replacement parts, as well as restrictions on the supply of technical information needed for repair and maintenance, she said. 苏教授指出,在汽车售后市场上,可能涉嫌违法的行为包括独家供货、独家采购、更换零件价格过高以及对修理、保养所需提供的技术信息进行限制等。 Such behavior mainly comes from car manufacturers suspected of substantially impedingcompetition and harming consumer welfare, Su said. If similar conduct occurred in the United States, European Union, Japan, South Korea and other mature market economies, it would doubtless trigger antitrust investigations, she said. 这些行为主要出自那些涉嫌妨碍正当竞争、损害消费者权益的汽车制造商。苏教授说,同样的行为如果发生在美国、欧盟、日本、韩国等其他一些较为成熟的市场条件下,毫无疑问会引发反垄断调查。 The Anti Monopoly Law allows enterprises to claim efficiencies and other reasons tojustify otherwise unlawful conduct, added Su. 苏教授还补充道,反垄断法允许企业提出合理的理由来对违法行为作出解释。 Robin Bew, managing director of the Economist Intelligence Unit, said antitrust in China is a big issue that requires fairness and transparency. 经济学人信息部的总监罗宾说,在中国反垄断是一个对公平性和透明性要求很高的大问题。 Big Western businesses are looking at what is happening in China and questioning whether the law is being applied evenly. That is always a worry for companies, Bew said. The areas where China needs foreign investment to bring in new know-how are sectors like education, healthcare and services, he added. 西方的大企业都在关注着中国发生的事情,也在质疑法律实施的公平性。这些都是让公司担忧的问题。罗宾还补充道,中国需要引进外国投资的新技术领域包括教育、卫生保健和服务等。 But Bew thinks that China will remain attractive for foreign investors. The China market is so big and it will be very difficult for any company to say that it won t be here in China. Most companies are now profitable in China and it is an important part of their revenue story worldwide, so they won t leave. 但是罗宾认为中国对于外国投资者仍是非常有吸引力的。中国是个很大的市场,很难有哪个公司会说不需要到中国市场发展。目前大多数公司在中国市场上都有利可图,且获得的利润在其全球范围内的盈利中占很大一部分,所以他们不会离开。
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