马航坠机普京之女躺枪 International tensions between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Europe have taken on a personal twist. 俄欧的紧张局势已经波及到了俄罗斯总统普京的个人生活。 Pieter Broertjes, the mayor of a small city in the Netherlands near where Putin s daughter currently lives, has called for the woman to be deported from the country, following Dutch anger against Russia and pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine after last week s plane crash. 上周马航MH17客机坠机事件后,荷兰民众对俄罗斯以及乌克兰亲俄叛军的愤怒日益强烈,荷兰市长彼特布罗尔切日前呼吁将居住在该市附近的普京女儿驱逐出境。 Maria Putin, 29, should be sent packing from Voorschoten, where she lives with her Dutch boyfriend, said Broertjes, who presides over the nearby city of Hilversum, about 15 miles south of Amsterdam, where Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 originated. 现年29岁的玛利亚普京目前与荷兰男友一起居住在福尔斯霍滕。布罗尔切是福尔斯霍滕附近的希尔弗瑟姆市市长,该市以南15英里即马航出事客机MH17出发地阿姆斯特丹。市长布罗尔切表示,应将玛利亚遣返回俄罗斯。 We could also deport Putins daughter from the Netherlands, because she lives in the Netherlands. Then you will have a totally different signal to give, Broertjes said Tuesday on Radio 1, a national radio program. 周二布罗尔切在荷兰广播节目中称,普京女儿目前住在荷兰,我们也可以把她驱逐出荷兰。这样才能充分表达我们的不满。 Just hours later, however, he backtracked on the comments. 但仅过了几个小时,他就收回了自己的这番言论。 note about daughter Putin on Radio 1 was not wise, Broertjes later tweeted, according to a translation of the tweet. This stemmed from a feeling of helplessness that many people will recognize. 布罗尔切随后发推表示,我在节目上关于普京女儿的那番话是不明智的。我这么说主要是因为感到无助,很多人应该能理解这种感觉。 Very little is known about Putin s two daughters, Maria and Yekaterina, who have rarely been photographed as adults. 几乎没什么人知道普京的两位女儿玛利亚和叶卡捷琳娜,她们俩成年后极少被人拍到。 But Dutch media have repeatedly reported that Maria lives in Voorschoten with her Dutch boyfriend, Jorrit Faassen, rumored to be a senior employee at Gazprom, a Russian-owned gas conglomerate. 但一直有荷兰媒体报道称玛利亚与她的荷兰男友乔里特法森住在福尔斯霍滕。据传,法森在俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司担任高级职务。 Dutch frustration with Putin has swelled since flight MH17 was shot down from the sky over eastern Ukraine July 17 by what many presume are pro-Russian rebels in the country, killing everyone on board. 自从7月17日马航MH17客机在乌克兰东部被击落,荷兰民众对普京的不满就日益升温,许多人认为是乌克兰亲俄叛军制造了这一惨剧。 Anger has only grown after rebels in the region delayed returning the bodies of crash victims to the Netherlands. 尔后因叛军而延迟运送遇难者遗体回国一事更是加剧了荷兰民众的不满。 The Netherlands declared a national day of mourning Wednesday, as the first bodies began to arrive. 荷兰政府宣布,周三首批遇难者遗体抵达后,全国将举行默哀仪式。
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