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2015年考研英语阅读习题演练 (18)

发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Since 1975 advocates of humane treatment of animals have broadened their goals to oppose the use of animals for fur,leather,wool and food.They have moaned protests against all forms of hunting and the trapping of animals in the wild.And they have joined environmentalists in urging protection of natural habitats from commercial or residential development.The occasion for these added emphases was the publication in 1975 of Animal Liberation:A New Ethics for Our Treatment ofAnimals by Peter Singer,formerly a professor ofphUosophy at Oxford University in England.This book gave a new impetus to the animal rights movement.   The post 1 975 animal rights activists are far more vocal than theirpredecessors,and the organizations to which they belong are generally more radical.Many new organizations are formed.The tactics of the activists are designed to catch the attention of the public.Since the mid 1 980s there have been frequent newsreports about animal rights organizations picketing stores that sell furs,harassing hunters in the wild,or breaking into laboratories to free animals.Some of the more extreme organizations advocate the use of assault,armed terrorism,and death threats to make their point.Aside from making isolated attacks on people who wear fur coats or trying to prevent hunters from killing animals,most of the organizations have directed their tactics at institutions.   The results of the protests and other tactics have been mixed.Companies are reducing reliance on animal testing.Medical research has been somewhat curtailed by legal restrictions and the reluctance of younger workers to use animals in research.New tests have been developed to replace the use of animals.Some wellknown designers have stopped using fur.   While the general public tends to agree that animals should be treated humanely,most people are unlikely to give up eating meat or wearing goods made from leather and wool. Giving up genuine fur has become less of a problem,since fibers used to makefake fur such as the Japanese invention Kanecaron can look almost identical to real fur.Some of the strongest opposition to the animal rights movement has come from hunters and their organizations.But animal rights activists have succeeded in marshaling public opinion to press for state restrictions on hunting in several parts of the nation.   1.1975 was an important year in the history of animal treatment because   [A]many people began to call for humane treatment of animals that year   [B]a new book was published that broadened the animal rights movement   [C]the environmentalists began to show interest in animal protection   [D]the trapping of animals began to go wild all through the world   2.Some animal rights organizations advocate the use of extreme means in order to   [A]wipe out cruel people [B]stop using animals in the laboratory   [C]attack hunters in the wild [D]catch full public attention   3.By sayingthe results ofthe protests and other tactics have been mixed,the author means   [A]the protest and other tactics have produced desired effects   [B]the protest and other tactics almost amounted to nothing   [C]the protest and other tactics have some influence on the public   [D]the protest and other tactics have proved to be too radical   4.The wordmarshalingprobably means   [A]conducting [B]popularizing [C]changing [D]outraging   5.It seems that the author ofthis article   [A]is strongly opposed to the animal rights movement   [B]is in favor ofthe animal rights movement   [C]supports the use of violence in animal protection   [D]hatestheuse offakefurfor clothes   核心词汇   advocate n.提倡者   philosophy n.哲学   predecessor n.前辈   tactics n.策略   identical adj.同样的   oppose vt.反对   impetus.促进   radicaladj.激进的   reliance n.依赖   publication .出版   vocaladj.有声的   assault n.攻击   fake adj.假的   号召人道对待动物的倡导者们从1975年起将自己的目标扩大到反对利用动物来获取毛皮、皮革、毛织品和食品的行为。他们提出抗议,反对所有形式的野外打猎和诱捕动物的活动。他们还与环境保护论者一起推进对动物自然栖息地的保护,使之免受商业和住宅开发的侵害。1975年《解放动物:我们对待动物的新伦理》一书的出版成为动物保护运动发展过程中的一个重大事件。该书由曾为英国牛津大学哲学教授的彼得。辛格撰写,它给予了动物权利运动新的推动力。   1975年以后的动物权利激进主义者们发出的呼声要远高于他们的前辈,而且他们所属的组织通常也更为激进。许多新组织成立了。激进主义者们采取的策略是引起公众的注意。从20世纪80年代中期起,时常有有关动物权利组织在皮草商店外示威、骚扰野外打猎者或是闯入实验室解救动物的资讯报道:还有些更加极端的组织提倡通过袭击、武装恐怖行动以及死亡威胁的方式来达到他们的目的。除了对身着皮草外套的人们进行单独袭击或试图阻止打猎者们捕杀动物外,大多数组织的策略一直是针对公共机构的。   抗议和其他措施带来了各种不同的结果。公司正在减少对动物试验的依赖;由于法律的约束以及较为年轻的工作人员不愿在研究中使用动物,医学研究也有所减少;代替使用动物的新试验方式已经开发出来了;一些知名设计师也不再使用动物皮毛。   尽管大众倾向于认同应该人道地对待动物,但大多数人还是不太可能放弃食肉或穿戴皮毛制品。放弃真正的毛皮已不再是什么问题,因为诸如日本人发明的KaIlecamn乏类鸸用于制造仿毛皮的纤维看起来和真正的毛皮几乎别无二致。对动物权利运动最为强烈的反对有一些来自于捕猎者及其组织。但动物权利激进主义者们已经成功地靠引导公众意愿来迫使国家对若干地区的打猎实施限制。   参考答案   1.B 细节题。由题干关键词1975,animal treatment定位文章第一段,。其中提到:1975年《解放动物:我们对待动物的新伦理》一书的出版成为动物保护运动发展过程中的一个重大事件此书的出版大大推动了保 护动物权利运动。结合选项可知B正确。2.D 细节题。由题干信息词advocate和extreme mean定位文章第二段Some of the more extreme organizations advocateto make theirpoint,而该句正是为了印证上文提到的The tactics ofthe activists are designed to catch the attention ofthe public,即所有这些都是为了引起公众的关注,故正确答案为D.   3.C 推断题。由题干内容定位文章第三段,从文中可知,公司正逐渐减少对动物试验的依赖,利用动物进行医学研究的行为也受到了法律的约束,甚至一些时装设计师也不再用毛皮制作时装。由此可知,动物权利保护者的种种努力取得了一定的效果,故正确答案为C.其余选项A取得了理想的效果属于过度推断,B几乎毫无成效在文中没有依据,C被证明过于激进属于过度推断。   4.A 语义题。根据题干定位文章最后一句但动物权利激进主义者们已经成功地靠 ____ 公众的意愿来迫使国家对若干地区_的打猎实施限制。由句意可先排除D愤怒。根据该段首句提到的公众开始认同应该人道地对待动物的观点,可知公众的观点其实已经改变,也得到一定普及,由此可排除B普及和C改变,只能选A引导。   5. 态度题。作者没有明确表明自己的态度,但文章结尾处提到But animal rights activists have succeeded in marshaling public opinion to,清楚地表明了作者持赞同态度。



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