Aid toRwanda
Thepain of suspension
WillRwandas widely praised development plans now bestymied?
Jan12th 2013| KIGALI |From the print edition
ANEWCOMER has arrived on Lake Kivu, the deep and dangerous body of water thatdivides Rwanda on the east from the Democratic Republic of Congo to the west. Ahigh-tech barge weighed down with gleaming steel tanks sits in the bay atKibuye, on the Rwandan shore. Nearby, a corridor of red buoys marking the pathof a new pipeline stretches into a waterway criss-crossed by fishermen inwooden boats.
Soakedin carbon dioxide and methane from surrounding volcanoes, Kivu is one of theworlds most explosive lakes. If its gases weresuddenly released, the explosion could be the biggestcatastrophe humankind has experienced, perhaps suffocating or incinerating the2m people who live on the shore, says Jarmo Gummerus, a Finnish engineer. He isworking on the barge, built by ContourGlobal, an American energy company, whichis seeking to extract the methane and convert it into electricity.
因为基伍湖周围弥漫着从环绕的火山中喷发出的二氧化碳和沼气,所以是世界上最爆炸性的湖泊。如果它的气体被突然释放所引起的爆炸可能会是人类迄今经历过的最大的灾难。,来自芬兰的工程师Gummerus Jarmo认为,如此之大的爆炸也许会让住在岸边的2千万人窒息而死或烧成灰烬。Gummerus Jarmo就在那艘驳船上工作。那艘船舶由ContourGlobal公司建造即一个美国的能源公司,他们正在寻求提取甲烷并把它转变成电的方法。
ThisKivuWatt project, costing $140m in its first phase, may be the most ambitiousof many in Rwanda. Once up and running early this year, it is expected toincrease the mountainous countrys power generation bya third. For Rwandas government, which still harksback to the genocide of 1994, when some 800,000 of its people were murdered inthe course of three months, it is a symbol of revival, turning a potentialdisaster into an engine of growth and reinvigoration.
Yetsuch progress is being threatened by the chaos a short swim away in easternCongo, where Western governments have put much of the blame for a spreadingrebellion on Rwandas government and its dynamic,authoritarian leader, Paul Kagame. Several of them have withheld aid, on whichmuch of the countrys development depends, accounting for more than 40% ofRwandas budget.
Landlocked,tiny in area, and more densely populated than any other country in sub-SaharanAfrica, Rwanda has achieved what a leading British development expert, PaulCollier, calls the hat-trick of rapid growth, sharp poverty reduction andreduced inequality. Many donors have been deeply reluctant to stop or reduceaid, whatever the arguments over eastern Congo.
地处内陆,面积狭小,比其他任何撒哈拉以南的非洲国家的人口更稠密。卢旺达已经达到了这样一种状况,正如来自英国,研究发展的权威专家,Paul Collier所谓的帽子戏法。即人口快速增长,贫困大幅降低,减少贫富差距。无论有关刚果东部的争论多么激烈,很多捐助者都深深的不愿停止或减少对卢旺达的援助。
Britain,the second-largest bilateral contributor after the United States, has frozen,unfrozen and then refrozen its aid, worth 75m a year. Other Europeangovernments have stopped or reduced their contributions. The Americans havesuspended military aid, albeit worth a mere $200,000, and may cut developmentprojects, depending on the views of Barack Obamas new aid team. The WorldBank, the IMF and the African Development Bank are shilly-shallying over thematter. Rwandas relationship with the rest of the world has changed, says asenior Western diplomat in Kigali, Rwandas capital.
英国,作为仅次于美国的第二大双边捐助者,已经先后冻结、解冻,再冻结其价值75 m一年的援助款。其他欧洲国家政府也已经停止或减少他们的捐助。美国人已经暂停了军事援助同时也可能缩减开发项目,这取决于巴拉克奥巴马的新一任辅助团队的看法。世界银行、国际货币基金组织和非洲发展银行正在对此事犹豫不决。卢旺达与世界其他国家的关系已经改变一位在卢旺达首都基加利的西方高级外交官如是说道。
As aresult, Rwandas finance ministry expects GDP to grow by 6.3% this year ratherthan the 7.8% previously predicted. Inflation, which had crept up to nearly 7%,is expected to pick up. A shortage of foreign currency in Kigali has created ablack market for the first time since 1994. Rwandas free health-care system,which is said to cover 90% of its citizens, is creaking. Bonuses to doctors andnurses that topped up their salaries by as much as 40% have already been cut.The dream of transforming a subsistence-farming economy into a middle-incomeservices hub by 2020, based on annual growth of 11%, is fading.
Manyof Rwandas leading lights, such as the Central Bank governor, Claver Gatete,say that the suspension of funds already promised is a gross betrayal. Rwandasmodel of development, elaborated closely with Britain, involving direct supportfor the budget, was widely hailed as an example for other poor countries tofollow. Now that aid is no longer a guarantee, says Mr Gatete bitterly, theability to make the best use of it has been lost. The Rwandan government,fretful over the aid suspension, is pondering how to use its recently acquiredtwo-year seat on the UN Security Council as a lever for getting Westerngovernments to relent.
许多卢旺达的领袖,如,中央银行行长,Claver Gatete说道,停止偿付已经承诺的资助很显然是种背叛。卢旺达的发展模式,保持与英国周密的合作,包括预算上的直接支持,被广泛誉为其他贫穷国家应效仿的例子。现在,援助也不再是一个完全保证Gatete先生苦涩地说道。能够充分利用援助的时机已经过去了。卢旺达政府,正在为停止偿付的援助而煎熬,正在考虑如何利用它最近取得的为期两年的联合国安理会席位来作为撬动西方政府,使其缓和停止偿付资助的一种杠杆手段。
It isnot certain that a second phase of the KivuWatt project, which would have addedanother three barges and almost doubled the countrys output of electricity at anestimated cost of $250m, will now go ahead. In future its going to be muchharder to get a deal like this done, says a senior Western aid man.
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