ErikBrynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee of MIT make use of this image in their e-book Race Against the Machine. By the measureknown as Moore s law, the ability to get calculations out of a piece of silicondoubles every 18 months. That growth rate will not last for ever; but otheraspects of computation, such as the capacity of algorithms to handle data, arealso growing exponentially. When such a capacity is low, that doubling does notmatter. As soon as it matters at all, though, it can quickly start to matter alot. On the second half of the chessboard not only has the cumulative effect ofinnovations become large, but each new iteration of innovation delivers atechnological jolt as powerful as all previous rounds combined.
Theother side of the sky
Asan example of this acceleration-of-effect they offer autonomous vehicles. In2004 the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency , a branch ofAmerica s Department of Defence, set up a race for driverless cars thatpromised $1 million to the team whose vehicle finished the 240km route fastest. Not one of the robotic entrants completed the course. In August2012 Google announced that its fleet of autonomous vehicles had completed somehalf a million kilometres of accident-free test runs. Several American stateshave passed or are weighing regulations for driverless cars; arobotic-transport revolution that seemed impossible ten years ago may be herein ten more.
Thatonly scratches the surface. Across the board, innovations fuelled by cheapprocessing power are taking off. Computers are beginning to understand naturallanguage. People are controlling video games through body movement alonea technology that may soon find application in much of the businessworld. Three-dimensional printing is capable of churning out an increasinglycomplex array of objects, and may soon move on to human tissues and otherorganic material.
Aninnovation pessimist could dismiss this as jamtomorrow. But the idea that technology-led growth musteither continue unabated or steadily decline, rather than ebbing and flowing,is at odds with history. Chad Syverson of the University of Chicago points outthat productivity growth during the age of electrification was lumpy. Growthwas slow during a period of important electrical innovations in the late 19thand early 20th centuries; then it surged. The information-age trajectory lookspretty similar .
创新的悲观派可能斥之为可望而不可即。有观点认为,技术引领的增长要么是持续向上要么是稳定的下降,而不是起起落落。但是,这种想法有悖于历史。芝加哥大学的Chad Syverson指出,电气化时代的生产率增长呈破浪起伏的状态。在19世纪后期和20世纪早期是重要的电器化创新时期,在这段时期内,增长缓慢;随后,增长快速提高。信息时的发展轨迹同此高度相似。
Itmay be that the 1970s-and-after slowdown in which the technological pessimistsset such store can be understood in this wayas apause, rather than a permanent inflection. The period from the early 1970s tothe mid-1990s may simply represent one in which the contributions of earliermajor innovations were exhausted while computing, biotechnology, personalcommunication and the rest of the technologies of today and tomorrow remainedtoo small a part of the economy to influence overall growth.
Other potential culprits loom, howeversome of which,worryingly, might be permanent in their effects. Much of the economy is moreheavily regulated than it was a century ago. Environmental protection hasprovided cleaner air and water, which improve people s lives. Indeed, to theextent that such gains are not captured in measurements of GDP, the slowdown inprogress from the 1970s is overstated. But if that is so, it will probablycontinue to be so for future technological change. And poorly craftedregulations may unduly raise the cost of new research, discouraging furtherinnovation.
Another thing which may have changed permanently is the role ofgovernment. Technology pessimists rarely miss an opportunity to point to theApollo programme, crowning glory of a time in which government did not simplyfacilitate new innovation but provided an ongoing demand for talent andinvention. This it did most reliably through the military-industrial complex ofwhich Apollo was a spectacular and peculiarly inspirational outgrowth. Mr Thielis often critical of the venture-capital industry for its lack of interest inbig, world-changing ideas. Yet this is mostly a response to market realities.Private investors rationally prefer modest business models with a reasonablyshort time to profit and cash out.
A third factor which might have been at play in both the 1970s andthe 2000s is energy. William Nordhaus of Yale University has found that theproductivity slowdown which started in the 1970s radiated outwards from themost energy-intensive sectors, a product of the decade s oil shocks. Dearenergy may help explain the productivity slowdown of the 2000s as well. But thisis a trend that one can hope to see reversed. In America, at least, newtechnologies are eating into those high prices. Mr Thiel is right to reservesome of his harshest criticism for the energy sector s lacklustre record oninnovation; but given the right market conditions it is not entirely hopeless.
Perhaps the most radical answer to the problem of the 1970s slowdownis that it was due to globalisation. In a somewhat whimsical 1987 paper, PaulRomer, then at the University of Rochester, sketched the possibility that, withmore workers available in developing countries, cutting labour costs in richones became less important. Investment in productivity was thus sidelined. Theidea was heretical among macroeconomists, as it dispensed with much of thecareful theoretical machinery then being used to analyse growth. But as MrRomer noted, economic historians comparing 19th-century Britain with Americacommonly credit relative labour scarcity in America with driving forward thecapital-intense and highly productive American system ofmanufacturing.
The view from Serendip
Some economists are considering how Mr Romer s heresy might applytoday. Daron Acemoglu, Gino Gancia, and Fabrizio Zilibotti of MIT, CREi and the University of Zurich, havebuilt a model to study this. It shows firms in rich countries shippinglow-skill tasks abroad when offshoring costs little, thus driving apart thewages of skilled and unskilled workers at home. Over time, though, offshoringraises wages in less-skilled countries; that makes innovation at home moreenticing. Workers are in greater demand, the income distribution narrows, andthe economy comes to look more like the post-second-world-war period than the 1970sand their aftermath.
部分经济学家正在考虑如何将罗莫的异想天开应用于今天。麻省理工学院的Daron Acemoglu、CREi的Gino Gancia和苏黎世大学的Fabrizio Zilibotti创建了一个模型对此进行研究。研究显示,富国的公司在离岸成本降低的时候会将低技能的工作输出到海外,因而将本国有技能的工人与无技能的工人的工资割裂开来。然而,随着时间的推移,外包提高了较低技能的国家的工资;这使得本国的创新更加诱人。对工人的需求在增加,收入分配在缩小。因而,经济越来越像二战后期,而不是像20世纪70年代及其之后那样。
Even if that model is mistaken, the rise of the emerging world isamong the biggest reasons for optimism. The larger the size of the globalmarket, the more the world benefits from a given new idea, since it can then beapplied across more activities and more people. Raising Asia s poor billionsinto the middle class will mean that millions of great minds that mightotherwise have toiled at subsistence farming can instead join the moderneconomy and share the burden of knowledge with rich-world researchersa sharingthat information technology makes ever easier.
It may still be the case that some parts of the economy are immune,or at least resistant, to some of the productivity improvement that informationtechnology can offer. Sectors like health care, education and government, inwhich productivity has proved hard to increase, loom larger within the economythan in the past. The frequent absence of market pressure in such areas reducesthe pressure for cost savingsand for innovation.
For some, though, the opposite outcome is the one to worry about.Messrs Brynjolfsson and McAfee fear that the technological advances of thesecond half of the chessboard could be disturbingly rapid, leaving a scourge oftechnological unemployment in their wake. They argue that new technologies andthe globalisation that they allow have already contributed to stagnant incomesand a decline in jobs that require moderate levels of skill. Further progresscould threaten jobs higher up and lower down the skill spectrum that had, untilnow, seemed safe.
Pattern-recognition software is increasingly good at performing thetasks of entry-level lawyers, scanning thousands of legal documents forrelevant passages. Algorithms are used to write basic newspaper articles onsporting outcomes and financial reports. In time, they may move to analysis.Manual tasks are also vulnerable. In Japan, where labour to care for an ageingpopulation is scarce, innovation in robotics is proceeding by leaps and bounds.The rising cost of looking after people across the rich world will onlyencourage further development.
Such productivity advances should generate enormous welfare gains.Yet the adjustment period could be difficult. In the end, the main risk toadvanced economies may not be that the pace of innovation is too slow, but thatinstitutions have become too rigid to accommodate truly revolutionary changeswhich couldbe a lot more likely than flying cars.
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