编辑点评: GRE阅读一直让很多考生感到头疼,词汇的宽泛、句子结构的复杂都是考生们的难点。这里为大家举了四句话作为例子进行一一解读。
1.Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent,heshows that the slaves preference,revealed most clearly on plantationswhere sale was infrequent,was very much for stable monogamy.
虽然古特曼承认,由于奴隶买卖而造成的被迫离散甚为频繁,但他还是证明,奴隶的偏爱 在那些奴隶买卖并不频繁的种植园上被最为显著地揭示出来 在很大程度上侧重于稳定的一夫一妻制。
2.Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black familyencouraged the transmission of-and so was crucial in sustaining-theBlack heritage of folklore,music,and religious expression from onegeneration to another,a heritage that slaves were continuallyfashioning out of their African and American experiences.
3.This preference for exogamy,Gutman suggests, may have derivedfrom West African rules governing marriage,which,though they differedfrom one tribal group to another,all involved some kind of prohibitionagainst unions with close kin.
4.His thesis works relatively well when applied to discriminationagainst Blacks in the United States,but his definition of racialprejudice as racially-based negative prejudgments against a groupgenerally accepted as a race in any given region of ethniccompetition, can be interpreted as also including hostility towardsuch ethnic groups as the Chinese in California and the Jews in medieval Europe.
该社会学家的命题当被应用于针对美国黑人的歧视时,相对而言尚能适用,但他对种族偏见所下的定义 即 以种族为基础的、针对某个群体的消级的先入之见,而该群体在任何特定的种族竞争地区则被普遍认作一种族 可被理解成同样也襄括了针对加利福尼亚州的中国人以及中世纪的犹太人这样一些种族群体的敌视态度。
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