Chinglish Buster and the Chingles
Introduction 简介
The Chingles is a fun and informative video series which helps English learners in China recognise and overcome common mistakes they make when speaking English. This is done in a fresh and lively way by combining real actors and animated characters.
The story 剧情设计
The series follows four people who live and work in Beijing. Each episode focuses on a situation with two or more of these characters; such as a business meeting, a job interview, or a meal. As they talk, an animated figure, called a Chingle, appears in the background and causes one of the characters to make a mistake in their English - with confusing and sometimes embarrassing results.
这个连续剧里的四位主人公都在北京工作和生活;每集里的场景都会有两个或更多的主人公出现,场景通常是一个商务会议,工作面试,或一顿工作餐。当这些演员们在谈论一件事情的时候,一个叫做 Chingle(英语小精灵)的动画人物就会出现在背景里导致一位主人公在使用英语的时候犯下一个令人迷惑又尴尬的错误。
This is when the animated teacher character called the Chinglish Buster arrives. He catches the Chingle and analyses it, explains why mistake was made and how to avoid making it in the future. After dealing with the Chingle, Chinglish Buster leaves and we return to the original situation between the two human characters. With the Chingle gone, they continue their conversation without the interference of Chinglish, and the situation is resolved.
这时候一位动画老师就会出现,Chinglish Buster(Chinglish 大师)他会抓住英语小精灵并来分析和解释为什么会犯这个错误,之后会告诉大家怎么避免这个错误的发生,在处理完英语小精灵后,Chinglish Buster 就会离开,我们会重新回到由真人扮演的没有英语小精灵作怪的剧情里去。
More about Chingles 关于英语小精灵的动画人物
Visually, each Chingle is based on an individual Chinese character or English letter.
For example, Chingle Kai in episode one is visually based on the character 开, pronounced 'kai' in Mandarin, which means 'to open'. When Chingle Kai haunts people, they make Chinglish errors based on the mistranslation of 开 into English. For example, one character says 'open the computer' (开电脑), when the correct form in English should be 'turn on the computer'.
每集里的 Chingle 的样子都来自一个汉字或一个英文字母。
英语小精灵'开'(Chingle Kai) 的设计来自汉字开,当 Chingle Kai 在作怪的时候,它会让大家把开这个字直译到英语中。比方说,剧中一个人物说 'open the computer' 开电脑, 而开电脑的正确表达应该是'turn on the computer'.
The idea behind the series 故事构思
Language teaching videos with dialogue between human characters can often end up feeling dry and dull, even if they are well-acted and produced. The idea here is that the introduction of the Chingles adds a level of quirkiness and humour to the videos, making the learning aspect painless and fun.
很多仅有真人角色的教学片时常会让学生感到有些缺乏生趣,尽管其拥有一流的制作和演出。此系列里的动画人物,英语小精灵和 Chinglish 大师可以给片子添加几分诡异和诙谐幽默感,从而使观众能感到乐在其中,娱教一体。
In addition, by making the Chingles visually appealing and designing them in such a way that their appearance is explicitly connected to the language error they represent, the Chinglish errors tackled should become easier to remember for learners.
The Chingles 英语小精灵:
Meet the Cast 我们的演员和动画角色
The Chingles 英语小精灵 Episode 1 第一集
The Chingles Episode Two 英语小精灵第二集
2012中考英语词汇 中考英语大纲词汇(一)
2012中考英语词汇 中考英语大纲词汇(十四)
2011年中考英语试题单项选择汇编:陈述句 祈使句 疑问句篇
2012中考英语词汇 中考英语大纲词汇(十)
2012中考英语词汇 中考英语大纲词汇(十一)
2012中考英语词汇 中考英语大纲词汇(十二)
2012中考英语词汇 中考英语大纲词汇(二)
2011年中考英语试题单项选择之陈述句 祈使句 疑问句(1)
2012中考英语词汇 中考英语大纲词汇(七)
2012中考英语词汇 中考英语大纲词汇(四)
2011年中考英语试题单项选择之陈述句 祈使句 疑问句(2)
2012中考英语词汇 中考英语大纲词汇(十五)
2012中考英语词汇 中考英语大纲词汇(五)
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