Preferences Vary on Circumstances of Dying
Among terminallyill people,attitudes differ on what they think constitutes a ____or bad death,the results of a new study suggest Dr.Elizabeth K Vig of the University of Washington in Seattle and colleagues interviewed 26men with____heart disease or cancer The men were asked to describe good and Bad deaths,and they also answered____about their preferences for dyingIn this small study,terminally ill men described good and bad deaths___ Vig saidThey did not hold the same views about such issues____the presence of others at the very end of life or preferred location of death.
Many of the men considered____ in their sleep to be a good death.The reasons were varied and included not____that death was imminent,and that death would be painless.
For close to half of the men,a prolongeddeath was______abad death Some of the men associated a prolonged death with prolonged pain,______others thought a prolonged death would be difficult for their families.
Most men said that their_____ were very important to them,but this did not mean that they wanted relatives close at the_____ of death. Valuing family did not also___wanting family present at the very end of life, Vig said.
In fact,some expressed concerns____burdening loved ones,Vig said.For instance,some men were worried about the emotional or_____ impact on their family members,according to the Washington researcher Some were worried____their need for care would be a burden on their families,she said
51 A wrong B pure C good D whole
52 A frequent B terminal C early D light
53 A reports B opinions C questions D remarks
54 A differently B similarly C strangely D fully
55 A to B as C at D for
56 A working B dying C talking D dreaming
57 A arguing B proposing C hoping D knowing
58 A meant B presented C considered D taken
59 A where B unless C because D while
60 A families B friends C colleagues D wishes
61 A length B time C sake D hand
62 A stand B mean C help D quit
63 A round B within C about D into
64 A financial B original C social D historical
65 A SO B when C why D that
英美热词:alta-male 阿尔塔男
英美热词:planned obsolescence 计划性淘汰
Generation XL:上学也胖放假也胖的“超重一代”
英美文化:Dad jokes 老爸笑话
英美热词:elimination diet 食物排除疗法
英美热词:blind liker 盲目点赞党
英美热词:uberization 优步化
英美热词:stupid oclock 愚蠢时段
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