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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  例一:You mean I have to go there by myself,for you are not free.

    Yeah, you did it. 你是说我必须自己去,因为你没空。是的,你说的没错。

题 Hi, Sunny. Your new flat is so nice!     Thanks, ______

  .题-How are you doing, Daisy?         -______ ,thank you!

  题 Would you please lend me your bike?     ________.

  题.May I use your ruler?        __ __ 

  1. Dont make any noise in the living room! My baby is sleeping.


  A. Sorry, I wont B. It doesnt matter C. Excuse me, Im wrong D. Certainly, I wont

  2. I havent seen Jack for three days, is he ill?

  _______. His mother told me that he was in hospital.

  A. I am afraid so B. I hope not C. I dont expect D. I am afraid not

  3. Excuse me. May I use your computer?

  _______. Its broken.

  A. Sure B. Yes, here you are C. With pleasure D. Im afraid not

  4. Can I get you something to drink, Mr Smith?

  _______. I am thirsty.

  A. Here you are B. No, thank you  C. Youre welcome D. Yes, please

  5. Your sweater is very beautiful, Joan!


  A. Thank you all the same B. Not at all  C. Just so-so D. Thank you

  6. What do you do? _______.

  A. I am thirteen B. I work hard  C. Im fine D. Im a student

  7. Andy isnt going out this evening, is she?

  _______. She has to stay at home to look after her sick mother.

  A. Yes, she is B. No, she isnt  C. Yes, she isnt D. No, she is

  8. Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wang?

  Whos calling, please.


  A. Im Mr. Wang B. Mr. Wang is here C. This is Mr. Wang speaking D. Mr. Wang is calling

  9. I fell and hurt my leg just not.


  A. Be careful B It doesnt matter C. Im sorry to hear that D. Nothing serious

  10. _______.

  Thank you very much. I will.

  A. Congratulations! B. Best wishes to you 

  C. Please say hello to your family. D. What a good wish to your family!

  11- I had a really wonderful time in Harbin. Its one of the most beautiful cities in China.

   - ______.

  A. Its pleasure. B. Good. Thank you

  C. Enjoy yourself. D. Oh, Im glad to hear that.

  12I'll go fishing this weekend.


  A. Can't you fish? B. That's very kind of you. C. What about more fish? D. Have a good time.

  13 Hi, Bob. How's your family?


  A. Fine, thank you B. It's a big one C. Not at all D. They're having breakfast

  14.could I use your dictionary for a while?

  --- .

  A yes,please B not at all C it doesnt matter Dits pleasure.

  15 --- Would you mind my opening the window?

   --- .Its too cold outside.

  A Yes,please B No,please C Yes, I would D Of course,youd better not

  16 ---Would you mind watering the flowers for me ?

   --- ,I have to go to the post office.

  A Not at all B Never mind C No,please D sorry,I cant.

  9. ---How about going for a walk outside?

   --- .

  A Yes,I would B No,I dont like. C Yes,I do C Id like to

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