Although many tourists have made Hainan province their first choice as a holiday destination, the services they have received on the island have been sub-standard considering the high prices people have paid. In fact, according to Xinhua news agency, tens of thousands of tourists have gone online to tell stories of being grosslyovercharged.
A simple three-course meal costs 4000 yuan,set off a tourist holiday on the slain of online discussion
A blogger said his friends’ family was fleeced by a restaurant owner. The message soon drew the attention of the local business administration authorities. But, during the investigation, the owner denied the charges.
Yang Kuai, Fulin Sea Food Restaurant of Sanya, said, "There is no such thing. I’ve never tagged any of the dishes with such a high price. I didn’t even have any disagreement with the customers. What’s said on the microblog can not be true."
三亚富林海鲜店的Yang Kuai称:“没有这样的事,我的菜从没有标上如此高的价格。我和客人甚至都没有发生任何争执。微博上说的不是真的。
And as the customer preferred remaining silent on the matter, authorities have found it difficult to make things clear.
Wan Qiongyun, Spokesman of Sanya Admin. For Industry &Commerce, said, "We contacted the customer, but he said he kept no receipt of the meal, nor could he give the exact name of the dishes he ordered. And he didn’t make an official complaint to us. So we find it hard to collect evidence."
Actually, this is not the first case of being overcharged in Sanya. The price of sea food has often been several times higher than their normal level. At the end of 2010, Ms Wang and her friends from Chongqing were asked to pay 30 thousand yuan for 10 dishes. Apart from food, complaints have also targeted skyrocketing prices for accommodationand fees at tourist sites.
During the new year holiday of 2012, the government receives 15 cases, most complaining the overpricing.
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