大 数:
千亿 hundred billion 3
百亿 ten billion 2
十亿 billion 5,
亿 hundred million 8
千万 ten million 6
百万 million 7,
十万 hundred thousand 1
万 ten thousand 3
千 thousand 4
百 hundred 5
十 ten 2
个 one 9
如上图数字读作:three hundred twenty five billion, eight hundred sixty seven million, one hundred thirty four thousand and five hundred twenty nine.
把握数字中的分节号,对把握这种对应关系很有帮助,每个, 左面恰好是英语数字的一个数位名称thousand, million and billion,在汉语中分别是:千,百万和十亿.
Thirteen billion, six hundred twenty-five million, four thousand and sixty nine.
Thirty two billion, six million, eighty thousand and five.
分子用基数词,即one, two, three, four,分母用序数词,即first, second, third, fourth,分数线不读。
1/3 one third
5/8 five eighths. 分子大于1,分母用复数。
1/4 one quarter
3/4 three quarters
0.35 zero point thirty-five. nought point thirty-five. point thirty-five
teen vs ty
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