Baked Beans
Baked beans is a dish containing beans, sometimes baked but, despite the name, usuallystewed, in a sauce. Most commercial canned baked beans are made from haricot beans, alsoknown as navy beans – a variety of Phaseolus vulgaris in a sauce. In Ireland and the UnitedKingdom, a tomato and sugar sauce is most commonly used. They are commonly eaten ontoast or as part of a full English breakfast.
British Bread
British bread is very good and if you go to the baker there are many different types of bread tochoose from. However, although the bread is very good, the most popular type of bread inBritain is sliced white bread.
Cheddar cheese is a hard, pale yellow to orange, sharp-tasting cheese originally (and still) madein the English village of Cheddar, in Somerset. It is the most popular cheese in the UnitedKingdom, accounting for just over 50% of the country's annual cheese market.
Chicken A La King
Chicken A La King, also called Royal cream of chicken, is an easy and elegant chicken dish. It's agreat way to use leftover chicken or turkey. Green pepper and red pimientos make this a prettydish to serve at Christmas or anytime. Serve over cooked rice, toast, or noodles.
English Lamb Chops
In Great Britain, the idea of a chop comes from the 17th century, when London chophousesstarted cooking individual portions of meat.
Fish and Chips
Fish and chips is one of the most popular food in Britain. It's fish covered with batter (= amixture of flour, eggs and milk) and then fried and served with pieces of fried potato.Almostevery visitors in Britain would like to try it.
Steak and Kidney Pie
Steak and kidney pie is a savoury pie that is filled principally with a mixture of diced beef, dicedkidney (often of ox, lamb, or pork), fried onion, and brown gravy. Steak and kidney pie is arepresentative dish of British cuisine.
Yorkshire Pudding
Yorkshire Pudding is not a dessert in spite of its name, although it is similar in some ways to apancake made with flour, milk and eggs. It is usually eaten with roast beef and gravy as part ofa traditional Sunday lunch.
Parkin or Perkin is a soft cake traditionally made of oatmeal and black treacle, which originated innorthern England. It's often eaten in tea time.
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