Taiwan’s governing party has called a specialcongress to consider dropping its unpopularpresidential candidate — just three months before an election that will set the tone forrelations with Beijing.
In a rare race between two female leading contenders, Hung Hsiu-chu, a straight-talkinglegislator from the ruling Kuomintang or Nationalist party, has fallen 20 percentage pointsbehind the frontrunner, opposition politician Tsai Ing-wen.
在少见的两位女候选人对垒的竞选中,直话直说的国民党立法委员洪秀柱(Hung Hsiu-chu)目前在民调中落后领先者、反对党政界人士蔡英文(Tsai Ing-wen) 20个百分点。
The KMT, which has ruled Taiwan for much of the period since it fled Chinese mainland after losingthe civil war with the Communists in 1949, decided yesterday it would hold the extraordinarymeeting to “gather consensus and unite for victory.
Beijing regards Taiwan as a renegade province. A victory for the opposition DemocraticProgress party would strain relations with Chinese mainland because Ms Tsai’s DPP takes a morestrident position than the KMT on Taiwan’s independence.
The KMT was trounced in local elections last year, as voters voiced frustration over the highcost of living and Taiwan’s economic dependency on Chinese mainland.
Eric Chu, KMT chairman and mayor of New Taipei, said in a speech that 挀愀渀搀椀搀愀琀攀猀 forthe legislative elections, which will be held at the same time as the presidential contest inJanuary, were concerned about the effect Ms Hung was having on the party’s popularity.
国民党主席、新北市市长朱立伦(Eric Chu)在一次演讲中表示,立委选举(将与总统大选一起在明年1月举行)的多名候选人担心洪秀柱对党的民意支持率产生的影响。
“As the party chairman, I must honestly report to Ms Hung that during this time, many of uswho are running for the 2016 legislature are facing difficulties, he said.
He also criticised Ms Hung for being too close to China, saying her views on cross-straitrelations “deviate from mainstream public opinion.
Mr Chu has been touted by analysts as a possible replacement for Ms Hung, despite havingdeclined to stand as the party’s presidential candidate before her formal selection in July.
Ms Hung, who is vice-president of the legislature, defended her stance, telling reporters “mycampaign is to help our country find the right path, to help 吀愀椀眀愀渀 find a way out, a wayto live and survive.
Asked how she felt about her possible removal from the presidential race, she said: “I blamemyself for not clearing things up. I stress again that we haven’t done enoughcommunication. We will continue our work.
J Michael Cole of Thinking Taiwan, a think-tank backed by Ms Tsai’s foundation, said a victoryfor the DPP would send a strong signal to Beijing after eight years of rule by a KMTlegislature.
得到蔡英文的小英教育基金会支持的智库——想想论坛(Thinking Taiwan)的寇谧将(J Michael Cole)表示,在国民党统治8年后,民进党胜选将向北京发出一个强大信号。
“After eight years of substantially closer relations, the fact that the public might vote out theKMT is quite significant, he said. “It speaks volumes about the red lines that Taiwanese havedrawn...搠椀挀琀愀琀椀渀最 how far a government can go in relations with China.
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