George Osborne is travelling to Shanghai, the“epicentre of China’s summer stock marketmeltdown, in a show of solidarity today to declare: “Britain and China — we will sticktogether.
英国财政大臣乔治攠斯本(George Osborne)今日将前往上海,中国夏季股灾的“震中,意在通过此行宣告:“英国和中国——我们将紧密团结在一起。
Mr Osborne’s five-day mission to China has seen the chancellor press on with his strategy ofembracing Beijing as he attempts to prove Britain is “China’s best partner in the west. Thechancellor insists he raised China’s human rights record in private meetings with seniorgovernment ministers in Beijing yesterday but his public utterances have been highly supportiveand uncritical.
Mr Osborne is making his main address of the tour at the Shanghai stock exchange to say hedeliberately chose “the epicentre of the volatility in financial markets this summer.
“Whatever the headlines, regardless of the challenges, we should not be running away fromChina, he was due to say. Indeed, in Beijing he went further and said that Britain should be“running towards China.
Mr Osborne’s approach has been to strip out the kind of political complications that used tosour UK-China relations — and still bedevil Washington’s relations with Beijing — and to focusrelentlessly on commercial ties.
The chancellor insisted he was not ducking difficult subjects, however. “We do not see a choicebetween securing growth and investment and raising human rights issues, he said. “We doboth consistently, and indeed I have done so in meetings here in China. But on issues suchas meeting the Dalai Lama, the Hong Kong democracy movement, clashes with other Asianpowers in the South and East China seas and cyberhacking, Britain has decided in the pastthree years to pull back from public confrontations.
Some of the commercial fruit of the approach was apparent yesterday as Beijingannounced plans to issue short-term debt in London, the first time it has done so outside thecountry. Mr Osborne said the move by the People’s Bank of China was a further step towardshis goal of making the City the principal offshore base for Chinese finance.
Separately, Mr Osborne and his Chinese counterpart, Ma Kai, announced a feasibility studyinto linking the stock markets of London and Shanghai to provide deeper liquidity for theChinese market. Further evidence of the closer links will come today when the London StockExchange announces that China Construction Bank’s London branch is to become a memberfirm — the bourse’s ninth Chinese member.
此外,奥斯本还与中国副总理马凯宣布将就上海和伦敦股市连通开展可行性研究,为中国市场提供更有深度的流动性。伦敦证交所(London Stock Exchange)今日将宣布中国建设银行(CCB)伦敦分行成为其会员,这是该交易所的第九个中国成员,此举将进一步证明英中两国的密切联系。
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