2015年北京国际田联世界田径锦标赛(IAAF World Championships)8月22日在国家体育场(鸟巢)开幕,赛事将持续到8月30日结束。IAAF是国际田径联合会(the International Association of Athletics Federations)的简称,athletics则是体育比赛中田径项目的总称,在北美通常用track and field表示,track表示跑道,指代各类跑步、竞走项目,我们称为“径赛;field指场地,指代跳远、跳高等在指定场地完成的项目,我们称为“田赛。
A perfomer is suspended in mid-air during the opening ceremony of the 15th IAAF World Championships at the National Stadium in Beijing, China August 22, 2015. [Photo/Agencies]
Marathon 马拉松
100 Metres 100米
400 Metres 400米
200 Metres 200米
800 Metres 800米
1500 Metres 1500米
5000 Metres 5000米
10,000 Metres 10000米
3000 Metres Steeplechase 3000米障碍赛
110 Metres Hurdles 110米跨栏
400 Metres Hurdles 400米跨栏
100 Metres Hurdles 100米跨栏
20 Kilometres Race Walk 20公里竞走
50 Kilometres Race Walk 50公里竞走
4x400 Metres Relay 4x400米接力
4x100 Metres Relay 4x100米接力
Hammer Throw 链球
Shot Put 铅球
High Jump 跳高
Pole Vault 撑杆跳高
Triple Jump 三级跳远
Long Jump 跳远
Javelin Throw 标枪
Discus Throw 铁饼
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