Cats love sleeping on your laptop (especially whileyou're using it), so why not let them geek out withtheir own cardboard computer perfect for tearingup the Internet?
Cats make the Internet fun one adorable video at atime. So it's about time we give them a treat for allthat feel-good feline entertainment.
Pet owners wanting to keep their kitties happy with a techie theme might want to considergetting them a personal Cat Scratch Laptop made of cardboard.
While the mock laptop doesn't actually connect to the Internet, your cat will be so excited thatyou're not yelling at him for blocking the screen he'll never know the difference between theprinted-out desktop wallpaper and the real deal. (You can slide in new pictures to keep the lookfresh.)
Measuring 13 inches wide and 11 inches high (330 millimeters by 270 millimeters), it's bigenough for a cat to sprawl over, but there's a little more to it than that. Instead of the clickety-clack of keys being pushed by a budding blogger, your cat can scratch up a storm on the panelof corrugated cardboard. Plus the laptop comes with a fuzzy mouse toy plugged in by the tailas a nod to the classic computer mouse.
The Cat Scratch Laptop, made from partially or fully recycled paper and cardboard by CatPlayhouse, is a lot cheaper than an electronic version, coming in at $35 from the retailer SuckUK. If you're ordering from the US, it'll cost you an extra $22 shipping and handling.
猫咪专属电脑由猫咪剧场生产,主要由循环利用的纸张和纸板做成,与电子计算机相比,猫咪专属笔记本电脑便宜得多,在Suck UK的零售价格为35美元。如果从美国下订单,则需另外支付22美元运输和处理费用。
But think of all the furniture and real laptops you'll be saving from getting clawed up by boredcats,wondering when you're going to get off of Twitter and give them treats.
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