Soon you might not need to worry about wasting your food — you could just turn it into leather instead.
Undergraduate design students in the Netherlands have come up with a new, eco-friendly process that converts leftover fruit and vegetables into durable, leather-like material, possibly strong enough to be used for car seats, handbags and other products in the future.
The project, Fruitleather Rotterdam, began as a school assignment. After brainstorming, the group of six decided to focus their work on social issues at the same time, and tacklethe widespread problem of food waste.
"The academy gives us a perfect view over the Binnerotte Square in Rotterdam, where they have a market each Tuesday and Saturday," Hugo de Boon, who focuses on spatialdesign,said so. “We saw how the square would be completely littered with food waste (at the end of the day), so ... we realized this was a problem we would want to solve from a designer's point of view."
Fruitleather Rotterdam began taking leftover food off vendors' hands, and started using fruit — mangos, oranges, nectarines, apples and more — to manufacture material. De Boon said the exact manufacturing process is "the group secret," but he offered the basics: After collecting food waste from the market stands, the team makes sure all seeds are taken out of the fruit before they cut it up and mash it. Then they remove all bacteria from the fruit by boiling it, to ensure that it won't rot. The next step is spreading the paste onto a "specific surface," which de Boon said is "crucial in the drying process." Once it's dried, the raw Fruitleather material is produced.
They're hoping to develop new steps in the manufacturing process to improve the quality of the material, and also to meet the needs of specific products, such as furniture and clothing. However, de Boon wants to be clear that they are not focusing on any products in particular. "Many people make the mistake that we are currently just making bags. We used the bag as a visual for the public to show that products can be made out of the material, but it is the material itself that we produce," he said.
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