US Memories Inc may sound like a greeting-cardcompany. In fact, it was the name for a proposedindustry-wide joint venture to keep the US in thememory chip business at the end of the 1980s, asthe sector reeled from a Japanese corporateonslaught.
美国记忆公司(US Memories Inc)听起来可能像一家贺卡公司。实际上,这是上世纪80年代末为保持美国在芯片业中的地位,拟成立的全行业合资公司的名字,当时美国芯片业在日本公司的冲击下茫然失措。
US Memories is a forgotten footnote in the technology history books. The attempt atcollective action failed when some of the backers got cold feet. Instead, the fight back, when itcame, took a far more American form: an entrepreneurial start-up from the unlikely locationof Boise, Idaho, called Micron Technology.
美国记忆公司在科技史书籍上是一个被遗忘的注脚。当一些支持者临阵退缩的时候,集体努力失败了。实际上,最终发起的反击采取了更为美国的形式:一家名为美光科技(Micron Technology)的创业企业,公司所在地令人意外地位于爱达荷州博伊西。
Now the US faces another challenge from Asia in the chips that act as one of the most basiccomponents of the digital world. News this month that Tsinghua Unicom, an offshoot ofBeijing’s Tsinghua University, has been weighing up an offer for Micron has provoked apredictable ripple of nationalist angst. When kites like this are flown in public, it is often tofind out what the reaction to a formal offer would be. On cue, Republican senator John McCainworried publicly about the “potential national security implications if the US lost a significantposition in memory chips. That Tsinghua is a Chinese state-owned company was among thefactors weighing on the his mind.
现在,美国在芯片业面临亚洲的又一次挑战——芯片是数字世界中最基本的部件之一。本月有消息称,清华大学(Tsinghua University)旗下清华紫光(Tsinghua Unigroup)一直在考虑对美光科技发起收购要约,这激起了意料之中的民族主义愤怒。当此类消息被公诸于众,人们往往可以发现,对正式收购要约的反应将是什么。就在这个时候,共和党参议员约翰麦凯恩(John McCain)公开表示担忧:如果美国丧失记忆芯片行业中的重要地位,“可能对国家安全造成什么影响。清华紫光是一家中国国有公司,这正是他担忧的因素之一。
Much has changed in the chip world over the past quarter century — but some things have not,in either politics or technology. Memory chips still occupy the same paradoxical place in thetech universe: though low margin commodity products in a market subject to viciouscyclical swings, they demand advanced design and manufacturing techniques and huge capitalinvestment. They are also key components in military systems — the reason that manyanalysts believe the US is extremely unlikely to approve a formal takeover offer, should itmaterialise.
One thing that has changed since the 1980s is the global ambition of China’s tech industry.Given its massive share of global electronics manufacturing, building a position in silicon —the key component in most systems — has become a national priority. Some 41 per cent ofMicron’s sales are to Chinese manufacturers. China’s attempt to consolidate its position as theworld’s electronics manufacturing hub relies, in the long term, on being able to establish adomestic chip industry.
Up to now, the efforts have failed dismally. But Tsinghua’s tentative takeover approach seemsto point to a change in strategy that could have implications for China’s involvement in globaltech markets far beyond chips.
Chinese companies have often stood accused internationally of copying technology. So joiningthe free-market takeover game and paying a fair price to acquire the strategic technology of acompany like Micron would mark a welcome turn of events, says Mark Anderson, a US techanalyst who has criticised China’s approach to intellectual property. The slow progress madeby China’s existing chip industry may explain the boldness of Tsinghua’s move. Shanghai-based semiconductor maker SMIC has represented the most visible attempt at creating anational champion. But it lost a high-profile intellectual property case brought by Taiwan’sTSMC. Nor has licensing technology from US competitors succeeded. Nearly a decade ago,SMIC was granted a licence to IBM’s 45 nanometre chipmaking technology — already, at thetime, a technology that was getting long in the tooth.
中国企业在国际上常常遭遇抄袭别国技术的指责。曾批评过中国在知识产权方面做法的美国科技分析师马克褠德森(Mark Anderson)称,因此,中国加入自由市场收购大战,并为获得美光之类公司的战略性技术支付合理的价钱,标志着一种受欢迎的转向。中国现有芯片产业的缓慢发展或许可以解释清华紫光此举的胆略。位于上海的半导体制造商中芯国际(SMIC)为打造全国行业领军企业做出了最明显的努力。但中芯国际在台湾芯片制造商台积电(TSMC)提起的一起引人关注的知识产权诉讼中败诉。从美国竞争对手那里获得技术许可也未能带来成功。将近10年前,中芯国际从IBM获得了45纳米芯片制造技术许可,但该技术在当时已现老态。
China’s ability to access more cutting-edge technology may be growing. IBM, for instance, haschanged its business model in China when it comes to high-end servers: rather than trying tosell machines based on its Power chip technology, it is now offering to license the technology toChinese manufacturers. But a full-blown acquisition of a significant international player likeMicron would represent a far more ambitious expansion of China’s chip sector. Micron iscurrently worth almost $20bn, making it a significant bite even by the standards of the takeoverwave that has swept through the chip industry this year.
Running a far-flung operation like Micron also would be a significant challenge for a companywithout a record in global business. Micron’s main facilities are in the US, Singapore and to alesser degree Japan. Effective management of international businesses like this is a majorchallenge for Chinese companies looking to move overseas, says Joel Backaler, a businessconsultant and expert on Chinese international investment.
管理像美光这样业务广泛的企业,对于一家没有全球业务经验的企业来说也将是一个艰巨的挑战。美光主要的生产基地位于美国和新加坡,在日本也有一少部分。商业顾问、中国国际投资领域专家周乐达(Joel Backaler)说,有效地管理此类国际企业对于期待走向海外的中国企业来说是一个巨大挑战。
Given the likely resistance from Washington, a Tsinghua acquisition of Micron looks a stretch.But it could be the first sign that a new phase of Chinese tech expansionism is about to begin.
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