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中国富人不好做 富人不再如从前

发布时间:2015-07-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Being rich in China isn’t as easy as it once was. Arecent stock market crash wiped billions off the balance sheets of the nation’s top tycoons. Andthen there’s the anti-corruption campaign . For the estimated 360 billionaires in China todaythese are tough times。


How the stock market affect China’s top rich?


"They are scared," says Shanghai-based economic trend watcher, and founder of the ChinaMarket Research Group, Shaun Rein. "The anti-corruption crackdown is definitely real, and it’sgoing through all levels of the country," he told CNN。


"It’s having a much greater impact on the economy than people realize because governmentofficials don’t want to approve a new initiative because they are worried about gettingarrested。


And while some may be extending their holidays abroad, a number of China’s ultra-rich havegone to extraordinary lengths to conceal their wealth。


Hurun China Rich List founder Rupert Hoogewerf says for every one Chinese billionaire that hasbeen publicly identified, there are at least two who choose to lurk in the shadows -- the so-called "vampire billionaires."


"’Vampire wealth’ is wealth owned by ’vampires,’ people who are terrified of daylight," saysHoogewerf. "If they see the daylight, or in their case, if their wealth is put into the public eye,these people shrivel up and die. They get arrested immediately."


"They want to travel," says Rein. But it seems much more difficult for China’s tycoons toconvince their kids to curb their conspicuous shopping habits. Known as the "Fu’erdai" or"second generation rich," many have little combat readiness in either politics or business, andare known for their outrageous displays of wealth。


One Fu’erdai son recently made headlines for sharing photos online of his dog sporting twoApple Watches. "That dog belonged to the son of the richest person in China, Wang Jianlin,"says New York Times reporter Mike Forsythe。


After images of the Apple Watch-wearing dog went viral, Wang promptly blamed youth and aWestern education for his son’s behavior. No matter who is actually to blame, disciplining theFu’erdai remains a key concern for China’s tycoons 。



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