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发布时间:2015-07-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

First came the helicopter mum - now comes the helicopter sibling.


Older brothers and sisters are inflicting the overbearing behaviour they learned from their mothers on their younger siblings. They are following their brothers and sisters on social media, tracking them on phone apps and even dropping in on dates to check on them.




The term 'helicopter mum' emerged in the last decade to refer to middle-class parents who hover over their offspring by interfering in every part of their lives. They have been known to take the same degrees as their daughters at university to make sure the course is suitable or book holidays for their children whilst back home in a different country.


Now US therapists have identified the successor to the trend, the helicopter sibling. Madeline Levine, a psychologist in Kentfield, California said that when parents focus too much on success and managing your life, their children end up doing the same. Smartphones are allowing them to carry out their surveillance covertly and relaying information back to parents without the sibling knowing.




Among those who admit they are a helicopter sibling is 20-year-old Lillian Carone, from Milltown in New Jersey, who watches over her sister Willow, 17. Speaking to the Wall St Journal, Lillian said that she follows her sister on Facebook and Instagram for hourly updates of what she is doing. She also follows her sister's friends and checks their updates to see where Willow is. When Lillian sees that Willow is not where she said she would be, she sends a screenshot of the post to her sister and demands answers.


Jonathan Caspi, a psychology professor at Montclair State University, in New Jersey, said that serious issues were behind the trend. He said that it occurs when one sibling wants to feel closer than the other, only they have overextended their reach.


Being a helicopter sibling may be damaging and a study released in January found that children of helicopter parents are more likely to reject them in later life.



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