Hong Kong’s financial regulator has told the city’sstock exchange to go back to the drawing boardover its dual-class shareholdings proposals.
Yesterday, the Securities and Futures Commission said it had reviewed draft proposals from
昨日,香港证监会(SFC)表示,已审议了联交所运营商香港交易及结算所有限公司(Hong KongExchanges& Clearing)的建议草案,该建议将允许上市公司的某些股东拥有更大的投票权。但香港证监会决定,不能支持这些所谓的不同投票权(WVR)。
Hong Kong Exchanges& Clearing, the bourse operator, that would enable companies to listwith more voting rights given to certain groups of shareholders. But it concluded it could notsupport these so-called weighted voting rights (WVR).
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