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发布时间:2015-06-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Alibaba’s financial affiliate company launched itsinternet bank yesterday, with executives pledging touse the Chinese ecommerce group’s treasure troveof customer data to target lending to smallbusinesses.




MYBank, owned by Zhejiang Ant Small & Micro Financial Services Group, an Alibabaaffiliate business, holds one of six new banking licences granted to privately owned companiesunder a pilot scheme aimed at diversifying China’s financial system. Small firms have longcomplained of difficulty in obtaining bank loans from state-owned banks, which tend to favourlarger state-owned companies.

网商银行(MYBank)的母公司为阿里巴巴的附属公司——浙江蚂蚁小微金融服务集团有限公司(Zhejiang AntSmall & Micro Financial Services Group,简称“蚂蚁金服)。蚂蚁金服是中国6家获得新的银行牌照的民营企业之一。授予民企银行牌照是旨在推动中国金融体系多元化的一个试点项目的一部分。长期以来,中小企业抱怨很难从国有银行获得贷款,后者倾向于偏爱大型国有企业。

“Answering to the needs of those who have limited access to financial services in China is ourmission, said Eric Jing, MYBank’s executive chairman. “MYBank is here to give affordableloans for small and micro enterprises. We are here to provide banking services, not for the rich,but for the little guys.MYBank’s launch follows the setting up of internet lender WeBank inJanuary — a joint venture led by Alibaba’s rival,


Tencent, the online gaming and social media group. But questions remain about the feasibilityof an online-only business model for Chinese banking.


Current regulations require customers to appear in person at a bank to open an account. InMarch, however, 21st Century Business Herald reported that the Chinese central bank wasdrafting new rules that would allow for online-only account openings. Large banks areadvocating stricter rules, while smaller banks and online players want a looser regime, thepaper reported.


Mr Jing said that the company’s facial-recognition technology, which could allow for identityverification via the internet, is “very mature, although he was unsure when, or if, regulatorswould approve its use. He also sought to downplay the importance of deposit taking.



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