One of China’s biggest oil companies signed a $20billion deal with BP PLC BP for liquefied natural gasdeliveries, and announced a strategic partnership with Royal Dutch Shell PLC RD , in a flurryof activity marking a three-day visit to the UK by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.
中国总理李克强对英国进行为期三天的访问期间,中国最大的石油企业之一与英国石油公司(BP PLC)签订了一份价值200亿美元的液化天然气供应协议,同时还宣布与荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司(Royal Dutch ShellPLC)达成了战略伙伴关系。
Li also repeated China’s interest in financing the construction of the next generation ofnuclear power plants in the UK, although there were no firm deals struck due to the ongoinguncertainty over whether the government’s policy on new nuclear build breaks European Unionlaw on state aid.
The deal with BP is the latest in a series of mega-deals illustrating China’s insatiable demandfor clean-burning gas, as pollution from coal-fired power plants and vehicle use threatens toreach crisis levels in many of its cities. Only last month, China signed a much larger $400 billion30-year deal to import gas from Russia. That deal, ironically, was based in part on supplies ofgas from fields in eastern Siberia which BP’s former joint venture in Russia had been squeezedout of as Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin assumed more direct control of the country’s mineralwealth.
The Chinese deal is a welcome piece of good news for BP after repeated disappointments in theU.S. as it struggles with the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon disaster. It will see BP willdeliver up to 1.5 million tons a year of LNG–equivalent to 72 billion cubic feet of gas–to ChinaNational Offshore Oil Company, or CNOOC, for 20 years from 2019 onwards. It’s not yet fixedwhere the gas will come from, but BP has a global portfolio of LNG assets, including theopportunity to export from terminals in the Gulf of Mexico. It already supplies LNG to CNOOCfrom Indonesia.
自从“深水地平线钻井平台事故后,英国石油公司在美国屡次碰壁。因此,这次与中国成功达成协议对它来说确实是件好事。根据项目要求,从2019年开始,英国石油公司每年要向中国海洋石油总公司( China NationalOffshore Oil Company, 简称中海油)供应150万吨液化天然气,相当于720亿立方英尺的天然气,为期20年。协议虽然没有确定天然气供应地,但英国石油公司液化天然气供应地遍布全球,甚至包括墨西哥湾天然气管道终端。据称,它已经在从印度尼西亚向中海油供应液化天然气。
The office of UK Prime Minister David Cameron, in an ostentatious display of coyness, madeno mention of the deal in briefing notes on Li’s visit, focusing instead on a list of lesscontroversial deals involving furniture and children’s TV programs.
Li also confirmed that China would lift a ban on imports of beef from Britain that has been inplace since contaminated feed triggered a widespread outbreak of Bovine spongiformencephalitis, or Mad Cow Disease.
下一篇: 陈光标在美国请客撒钱
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