福建下拨30吨消毒剂 未发现H7N9病毒-查字典英语网
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福建下拨30吨消毒剂 未发现H7N9病毒

发布时间:2013-04-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  本报讯 我省农业部门多项举措全面防控H7N9禽流感。省农业厅近日下发通知,全面部署开展消毒灭源工作,紧急下拨消毒剂30吨,组织对全省活禽市场、屠宰场、种禽场、养禽场等重点场所进行消毒。农业部门还全面开展动物H7N9禽流感监测,目前我省还未发现H7N9病毒。

  Report from our correspondent agricultural sector in our province a number of initiatives to comprehensive prevention and control of avian influenza H7N9. The provincial agricultural department recently issued a circular, fully deployed to carry out disinfection work off the source, emergency allocated 30 tons of disinfectants, organization of the live bird markets, slaughterhouses, breeder, poultry and other key places disinfection. The Department of agriculture is to carry out a comprehensive animal H7N9 avian influenza monitoring, at present, our province has not found H7N9 virus.

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  · 100 ipadmini five one broadcasting, remain within doors hiking Fujian


  Our province agricultural sector at all levels into the live bird market, farm households, slaughterhouses, wildfowl habitat samples, the H7N9 avian influenza virus monitoring. As of April 24th, has completed the 5248 samples of the monitoring, the results were negative, did not find the infection of H7N9 virus.


  Across the province to further strengthen the live bird market supervision, supervise the implementation of regular closed, the disinfection system, intensify efforts to crack down on business case fatality animal behavior, suspended from a plague provinces transferred to live birds, poultry and poultry products transferred from other provinces strict verification inspection, thorough disinfection, prevent exogenous flu.


  Animal disease prevention and control center expert introduction, the allocated two chloro isocyanuric acid sodium disinfectant, can effectively kill the H7N9 avian influenza virus, cut off the route of transmission of disease.


  In addition, province, city, county three class all set up a major animal epidemic duty room, 24 hours a day and the leadership class, do a good job of emergency materials reserve. Once there is an outbreak, can quickly report, effective reaction, decisive disposal.


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