South Korean military said 11, although North Korea is ready for launch preparations, but has not yet found any movement. South Korean military said, deployed in the sea of Japan Wonsan area "musudan" missile has been injected into liquid fuels, for emission. North Korea may also launched several different types of missile.
Local time on April 6, 2013, North Korea CCTV public short-range surface-to-air missile system. The North Korean missile "imminent" caused by speculation, South Korea, the United States, Japan have raised the alert posture or enter the prevent mode, straining to cope with all the unexpected events.
Although the ability to intercept North Korean missile, but the United States military still hold a conservative attitude. The US Pacific commander Locke Lear 9 in the Senate said, if North Korea's missile threat to the United States of America mainland, overseas troops and allies, he suggested to intercept, but is not recommended to ask "wheat and chaff" intercept DPRK missile.
However, despite North Korea Peninsula has been "be triggered at any moment", the situation on the Korean but with the ROK and Japan's "alert" in stark contrast, the capital of Pyongyang atmosphere, many are in the late leader Kim Il-Sung's birthday on the day of arrival to prepare.
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