国际英语资讯:Lebanese president vows full probe into Beirut ports deadly blasts-查字典英语网
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国际英语资讯:Lebanese president vows full probe into Beirut ports deadly blasts

发布时间:2020-08-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BEIRUT, Aug. 11 -- Lebanese President Michel Aoun vowed on Tuesday to continue investigations into the explosions that rocked Beirut on Aug. 4, killing 171 people and wounding around 6,000 others.

"I will not remain silent nor will I rest until we reveal all the facts about these explosions; referring the explosions to the Supreme Judicial Council is the first step in this direction," Aoun said in a statement.

Primary information reveals that ammonium nitrate stored since 2017 in warehouse No. 12 at Port of Beirut may have caused the explosions in Beirut.

The ruling political class came under heavy criticism by the Lebanese people who accused them of negligence and recklessness by storing a big volume of ammonium nitrate at Beirut's port.

On Monday, the Lebanese cabinet resigned following the resignation of several ministers.

The Lebanese cabinet referred the case to the judicial council based on a proposal by Caretaker Minister of Justice Marie-Claude Najm.


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